История кино в россии кратко на английском

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

🔊 Play The spreading of cinematography in Russia started with the demonstration of the Lumiere brothers’ film in May 1896 in St. Petersburg and Moscow and later in Nizhniy Novgorod. Распространение кинематографа в России началась с демонстрации фильма братьев Люмьер в мае 1896 года в Санкт-Петербурге и Москве, а затем в Нижнем Новгороде.

🔊 Play The first sound films simultaneously appeared in three countries, the USSR, the USA and Germany at the end of the 1920’s. Первые звуковые фильмы появились одновременно в трех странах: СССР, США и Германии в конце 1920-х годов.

🔊 Play In October 1929 the first sound cinema house started its work. В октябре 1929 первый звуковой кинотеатр начал свою работу.

🔊 Play Since that time the Russian film industry was going its own way. С этого времени русское кино пошло своим путем.

🔊 Play It produced such great films as Protazanov’s The Queen of Spades (1916) and Father Sergius (1918). Оно произвело такие фильмы, как “Пиковая дама” Протазанова (1916) и “Отец Сергий” (1918).

🔊 Play A little later Russia’s great achievement in cinema was connected with its directors such as Eisenstein (The battleship “Potemkin”), Pudovkin (Mother), Kuleshov (By the law), Dovzhenko (Earth), and others. Чуть позже большие достижения России в кино связаны с именами таких режиссеров, как Эйзенштейн (“Броненосец “Потемкин”), Пудовкин (“Мать”), Кулешов (“По закону”), А. Довженко (“Земля”), и другие.

🔊 Play Notable films from 1940s include Aleksandr Nevsky and Ivan the Terrible. Известные фильмы 1940-х годов ” Александр Невский” и “Иван Грозный”.

🔊 Play Immediately after the end of the Second World War, the Soviet color films such as The Stone Flower (1947), Ballad of Siberia (Сказание о земле Сибирской, 1947), and The Kuban Cossacks (Кубанские казаки, 1949) were released. Сразу же после окончания второй мировой войны, советские фильмы, такие как “Каменный цветок” (1947),”Сказание о земле Сибирской”(1947), и «Кубанские казаки”(1949) были выпущены на экран.

🔊 Play In the late 1950s and early 1960s Soviet film-makers were given a less constricted environment, and while censorship remained, films emerged which began to be recognized outside the Soviet bloc such as Ballad of a Soldier which won the 1961 Award for Best Film and The Cranes Are Flying. В конце 1950-х и ранних 1960-х годов советские кинематографисты получили больше свободы и, хотя цензура оставалась, вышли фильмы, которые стали признанными и за пределами советского блока, такие как “Баллада о солдате”, который выиграл в 1961 году премию за лучший фильм и “Летят журавли”.

🔊 Play Height (Высота, 1957) is considered to be one of the best films of the 1950s (it also became the foundation of the Bard movement). Высота(1957) считается одним из лучших фильмов 1950-х годов (он также стал основой движения бардов).

🔊 Play The 1970s saw the emergence of a range of films which won international attention, including Andrei Tarkovsky’s Solaris; Seventeen Instants of Spring, which created the immortal character of Standartenführer Stirlitz; White Sun of the Desert (1970). 1970-е годы ознаменованы появление целого ряда фильмов, которые завоевали внимание международного сообщества, в том числе “Солярис” Андрея Тарковского “Семнадцать мгновений весны”, который создал бессмертные образ Штандартенфюрера Штирлица; ” Белое солнце пустыни” (1970).

🔊 Play In the mid-1980s, Soviet films emerged which began to address formerly censored topics, such as drug addiction, The Needle, and sexuality and alienation in Soviet society, Little Vera. В середине 1980-х годов, вышли советские фильмы, которые приступили к рассмотрению ранее запретных тем, таких как наркомания, “Игла”, сексуальности и отчуждения в советском обществе “Маленькая Вера”.

🔊 Play Now film industry in Russia is rapidly developed. Сейчас киноиндустрия в России быстро развивается.

🔊 Play More than 20 films are produced every year. Более 20 фильмов производится каждый год.

🔊 Play Great directors such as Nikita Mikhalkov, Andron Konchalovskiy, Timur Bikmambetov and many others contribute to this process. Великие режиссеры, такие как Никита Михалков, Андрон Кончаловский, Тимур Бикмамбетов и многие другие делают вклад в этот процесс.

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The history of Russian cinema. The legendary actor and film director Eldar Ry.

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

The history of Russian cinema. The legendary actor and film director Eldar Ry.

The history of Russian cinema. The legendary actor and film director Eldar Ryazanov.

Russian cinema During 1896-1897, films were shown in public in all world capi.

Russian cinema During 1896-1897, films were shown in public in all world capitals. In Russia, the first screening was held on the 4th of May in 1896 in St. Petersburg ,in the garden of "Aquarium". Then it was held in Moscow and all-Russia fair in Nizhny Novgorod. At the same time the first Russian Amateur photography was shooted. In January 3, 1897 the first trial session of "tableaux vivants" , the system of the Lumiere brothers was presented in Kiev. After a few months later, the famous theatrical entrepreneur Nikolai Solovtsov has acquired a Lumière a camera and started a Russian tour with him. The first film was made by photographer Fedetsky. Alfred Fedetsky Nikolai Solovtsov

Eldar Aleksandrovich Ryazanov

Eldar Aleksandrovich Ryazanov

Ryazanov’s childhood Eldar Ryazanov was born in November 18, 1927 in Samara.

Ryazanov’s childhood Eldar Ryazanov was born in November 18, 1927 in Samara. He loved literature since childhood and wanted to be a writer and to travel. After graduation, he entered "VGIK". He became a student of the famous Director Grigory Mikhailovich Kozintsev’s Studio.

Ryazanov’s teachers In 1950 he graduated the "cinematography" with honors , h.

Ryazanov’s teachers In 1950 he graduated the "cinematography" with honors , his diploma work was the documentary "They study in Moscow". Among Ryazanov’s teachers there was a great Director Sergei Eisenstein, he saw the talent of the young Ryazanov. In 1955 Ryazanov became the Director of a film Studio "Mosfilm ", under a leadership of Ivan Pyrev. He made Ryazanov to take up Comedy.

Ryazanov’s film The first film by Eldar Ryazanov became musical Comedy “The c.

Ryazanov’s film The first film by Eldar Ryazanov became musical Comedy “The carnival night". It was a huge success. After the art debut “The carnival night" the whole country knew the name of a new filmmaker. A Famous actor Igor Ilyinsky played in the film one of his best roles of bureaucrat Ogurtsov, and the main role was played by the young actress Ludmila Gurchenko. The song "Five minutes" from the movie sang the whole country.

Ryazanov’s tragicomedy The desire to see life in a funny light is a property.

Ryazanov’s tragicomedy The desire to see life in a funny light is a property of nature which Ryazanov fortunately has. In 1966 Ryazanov wrote the script for his film. The film "Beware of the car" appeared. It is the story of a Soviet Robin hood. And in 1976 the movie "Irony of destiny or With light steam“ appeared. The film is very good ,and the use of poems and songs created an atmosphere of lyrical meditations about life.

Ryazanov’s role Usually, the Director Eldar Ryazanov invented a role-joke for.

Ryazanov’s role Usually, the Director Eldar Ryazanov invented a role-joke for the actor by Eldar Ryazanov. He played a role of an educated Professor from the movie "Garage", the railwayman from the film "Station for two" and a charming passenger from the film "Irony of destony or With light steam ".

Ryazanov’s catch phrase The catch phrases from Eldar Ryazanov’s movies has en.

Ryazanov’s catch phrase The catch phrases from Eldar Ryazanov’s movies has enriched our everyday vocabulary. From the film "Beware of the car“ it is a phrase “Men should Marry an orphan”. From the movie "Irony of destiny or With easy steam" it is a phrase “What a muck is your jellied fish”. From the movie “Office romance " it is a phrase “Just shoes makes woman a woman”.

Презентация и разработка открытого урока в 11 классе по УМК Кузовлева В.П.

prezentaciya_k_kinematografu.ppt 719 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Phonetic exercise [t], [d] – studio, film studio, first, the first film studio, the first sound film, director; [r] – demonstrate, demonstrated, industry, cinematography, history; [w] – world, in the world, well-known

Speaking practice That’s wrong That’s right

The inventors of the cinema were Americans. The first three minutes film is called “Arrival of the train”. Hollywood is the center of film industry. Hollywood is in Washington. The first colour film was “Gone with the wind”. Margaret Mitchell is the author of the novel “Gone with the wind”. Scarlet O'Hara and David O. Selznick were the main characters in this film. Wrong Right Right Wrong Right Right wrong

The history of Russian cinematography.

Match the columns studio actor director to shoot silent film fairy tale cameraman creator sound film black-and-white film coloured film студия актёр режиссёр снимать (фильм) немое кино сказка оператор создатель звуковое кино чёрно-белый фильм цветной фильм

Russian cinematography Alexandr Khanzhonkov, Vera Kholodnaya, Vitold Polonski, N. Mikhalkov, Andron Konchalovski, Andrei Tarkovski, Alexandr Rou, Rolan Bykov

The first film was demonstrated in May 1896 in St. Petersburgh. A. Khanzhonkov founded the first film studio in Moscow. The first sound film appeared at the end of the 1920s in the USSR, the USA and Germany. The first sound cinema house was opened in 1929 in Leningrad. A. Rou shot fairy tale “Morozko”. N. Mikhalkov, A. Konchalovski, A. Tarkovski are known all over the world

The spreading of cinematography in Russia. 1. Demonstration of the Lumiere brothers film in may 1896 in St. Petersburgh, Moscow and in Nizhni Novgorod. 2. Film making industry developed mainly in St. Petersburgh and in Moscow.

Alexandr Khanzhonkov (1877-1945). The owner of the first Russian film studio

The stars of silent films. Vera Kholodnaya (1893-1919)

Vitold Polonski (1879-1919).

The creators of fairy tales. Alexandr Rou (1906-1973).

Rolan Bykov (1929-1998). "Chuchelo"(1984). "Aibolit 66" "a Violin and Dog Klyaksa" (1975)

Famous russian directors. Andrei Tarkovski (1932-1986) "Solyaris"(1972) "Stalker" (1980). Nikita Mikhalkov (1945) "Urga" "Burnt in the Sun" "Sibiriada"(1979) "Uncle Vanya" (1971). Andron Konchalovski (1937).

Homework p. 181, ex. 4.5 to write a story about Russian cinamatography

Physical Break Up'n down, up'n down. Which is the way to London town? Where? Where? Up in the air? Close your eyes - And you are there! If you're happy and you know it Clap you're hands If you're happy and you know it Nod your head If you're happy and you know it Stamp your feet

The lesson is over. Thank you for your work.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

История кинематографа

Сегодня уже трудно себе представить жизнь без кино, однако история кинематографа берёт своё начало не так давно – в 19 веке. В 1878 году русским фотографом Иваном Болдыревым была изобретена первая кин.

Кинематограф в России

Презентация к 6 разделу УМК В.П.Кузовлева.

Презентация к уроку в 11 классе "Из истории кинематографии"

История создания кино, первые фильмы.

Данная работа является конспектом урока по английскому языку в 8 классе средней общеобразовательной школы по программе “ Rainbow English” (О.В. Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева, К.М. Ба.

План-конспект урока по теме: "История кинематографа. Активизация лексических единиц."

план-конспект урока английского языка в 8 классе.

План-конспект урока в 8 классе по т. «История кинематографа. Активизация лексических единиц».

Ознакомить с историей развития кинематографа в России, с известными авторами и режиссёрами.

T: Good morning, everybody. Nice to meet you. How are you today? Are you fine? That’s nice. Then, let’s start our lesson. Today we shall have a lesson according to our topic “Development of Russian Cinematography “.

2. Фонетическая зарядка.

T – Let , s brush your phonetics.

[t], [d] – studio, film studio, first, the first film studio, the first sound film; director;

[r] - demonstrate, demonstrated, industry, cinematography, history;

[w] - world, in the world, well-known;

3. Речевая зарядка. (режим T-P1 – P2 – P3…)

Teacher: Agree or disagree with me. На доске речевые образцы:

That's right That's wrong

T. The inventors of the cinema were the Americans.

P1 - That is wrong. The inventors of the cinema were the Limier brothers.

T - The first three minutes film is called “Arrival of the train”.

P2 - That , s right. The first three minutes film is called “Arrival of the train”.

T - Hollywood is the center of film industry.

P3 - That , s right. Hollywood is the center of film industry.

T - Hollywood is in Washington.

P4 - That ’ s wrong. Hollywood is not in Washington. It is in Los Angeles.

T - The first colour film was “Gone with the wind”.

P5 - That , s right. The first colour film was “Gone with the wind”.

T - Margaret Mitchell is the author of the novel “Gone with the wind”.

P6 - That , s right. Margaret Mitchell is the author of the novel “Gone with the wind”.

T- Scarlett O , Hara and David O. Selznick were the main characters in this film.

P7 - That , s right. Scarlett O , Hara and David O. Selznick were the main characters in this film.

4. Основная часть урока.

Teacher: Today we ll speak about cinematography in Russia. The Russian cinematography has very rich history. Do you know such names as Alexandr Khanzhonkov, Vera Kholodnaya, Vitold Polonski, N. Mikhalkov, Andron Konchalovski, Andrei Tarkovski, Alexandr Rou, Rolan Bykov?

Open your books at the page 181 and find ex. 4. Here is information about Russian cinematography. Work in groups and make up the story about it. Класс делится на группы.

Каждая группа получает набор карточек с фразами, из которых должна составить текст о распространении кинематографа в России.

Was demonstrated At the end of the 1920s In the USSR, the USA and Germany
The first film founded Was opened
1929 in Leningrad The first film studio in Moscow All over the world
shot A. Rou A. Khanzhonkov
May 1896 in St. Petersburg The first sound cinema house Are known
appeared The first sound film Fairy tale “Morozko”
N. Mikhalkov A. Konchalovski A. Tarkovski

Teacher: What can you say about Russian cinematography?
Представитель от каждой группы зачитывает составленный текст.

  1. The first film was demonstrated in May 1896 in St. Petersburgh.
  2. A. Khanzhonkov founded the first film studio in Moscow.
  3. The first sound film appeared at the end of the 1920s in the USSR, the USA and Germany.
  4. The first sound cinema house was opened in 1929 in Leningrad.
  5. A. Rou shot fairy tale “Morozko”.
  6. N. Mikhalkov, A. Konchalovski, A. Tarkovski are known all over the world.

5. Аудирование с целью проверить правильность своих предположений.

Teacher: Listen to check if you are right (p. 329, ex. 4. 2.).

The spreading of cinematography in Russia started with the demonstration of the Lumiere brother s film in May 1896 in St. Petersburg and Moscow and later in Nizhni Novgorod. Film making industry developed mainly in ST. Petersburgh and in Moscow and its development is firmly connected with the name of A. Khanzhonkov who founded the first film studios. In the 20s the stars of silent films were V. Kholodnaya, V. Polonski, V. Mashkov and others. The most popular genres of Russian films were historic films and screen versions of famous novels, such as Aelita by A. Tolstoi and The Quiet Don by M. Sholokhov. The first sound films simultaneously appeared in three countries, the Ussr, the Usa and Germany at the end of the 1920s. In October 1929 the first sound cinema house started its work. Great attention was paid to films for children. One of the most famous directors is A. Rou, the creator of fairly tales. And another famous actor and director whose name is inseparably linked with children , s films is R. Bykov. Several generations of children enjoy his films Attention! The Tortoise and Aibolit 66. The names of N. Mikhalkov, A. Koncalovski and A. Tarkovski are known all over the world as the creators of unforgettable, realistic pieces of art.

6. Выполнение упр. 4.3) .

T - Read the names of famous Russian directors and answer the question: which films were made by these directors.

P1 - A. Rou is the creator of fairly tales. Such films as Korolevstvo Krivykh zerkal, Morozko were made by him;

P2 - R. Bykov. His name is linked with children s films, for example: Attention! The Tortoise and Aibolit 66

P3 - N. Mikhalkov shot such films as Urga and Burnt in the Sun
P4 - A . Koncalovski shot Sibiriada.
P5 - A. Tarkovski shot Solyaris and Stalker.

7. Выполнение упр. 4.4) Режим P1, P2. P3………

T - What other information about the Russian film industry can you add? (P1, P2, P3…..)
P1 - The spreading of cinematography in Russia started with the demonstration of the Lumiere brother s film in May 1896 in St. Petersburg and Moscow and later in Nizhni Novgorod.

P2 – development of film making industry is firmly connected with the name of A. Khanzhonkov.

P3 - A. Khanzhonkov founded the first film studios.
P4 - In the 20s the stars of silent films were V. Kholodnaya, V. Polonski, V. Mashkov.

8. Закрепление нового материала – просмотр презентации “Развитие кинематографа в России” и озвучивание слайдов.

9. Домашнее задание: стр. 181, упр. 4.5) – написать рассказ об истории русского кинематографа.

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