История кинематографии кратко на английском

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Устная тема MY VISIT ТО THE CINEMA поможет вам составить устное высказывание про поход в кино, написать сочинение или рассказ про посещение кинотеатра. Топик МОЙ ПОХОД В КИНОТЕАТР дан с переводом.

Подойдет ученикам 7-11 классов.


I really enjoy going to the cinema; it is one of the favorite pastimes even though I don’t really go that often. Fortunately, the cinema isn’t too far away from where I live and I can get there by bus within ten minutes. I am very lucky to live in a big town because it means that I have a choice of cinemas and a wider choice of films.

Watching films is always very relaxing and entertaining. The convenience of the cinema is that you can choose what time you want to go because there are usually a number of showings.

You know, it is popular to go out somewhere first and then go on to a late-night film. The cinema is particularly popular among students because they don’t have to pay full price for some films and is therefore a reasonably cheap form of entertainment.

There are a variety of films available today. I especially like comedies or love stories. Detective stories with a lot of action and suspense grab my attention also. I particularly enjoy films where you become so involved with the story that you forget you are sitting in a cinema.

Nowadays cinemas are so comfortable that it is almost like being at home so it is a luxury to go to the cinema.


Я действительно люблю ходить в кино; это — одно из моих любимейших времяпрепровождений, хотя на самом деле, я не хожу туда часто. К счастью, кинотеатр не слишком далеко от моего дома и я могу добраться туда автобусом за десять минут. Мне посчастливилось жить в большом городе, и это значит, что у меня есть выбор кинотеатров, которые я могу посетить, и более широкий выбор фильмов, которые я могу посмотреть.

Просмотр фильмов всегда очень расслабляет и развлекает. Преимущество кинотеатров состоит в том, что Вы можете выбрать, во сколько Вы хотите пойти и посмотреть фильм, потому что обычно есть несколько сеансов.

Знаете, довольно часто люди предпочитают выйти где-либо прогуляться, а затем пойти на последний сеанс. Кино особенно популярно среди студентов, потому что им не приходится платить полную цену за некоторые сеансы, и поэтому это довольно дешевый способ времяпрепровождения.

Сегодня доступно огромное разнообразие фильмов. Мне особенно нравятся комедии или любовные романы. Детективные романы с большим количеством событий и интригой также захватывают мое внимание. Я особенно люблю фильмы, которые захватывают вас настолько, что вы забываете, что сидите в кинотеатре.

The first movie The first people who showed the first movies to the public were the Lumier Brothers of France.

The silent film era The first films were silent and showed moving people and transport.

Charlie Chaplin Charlie Chaplin - American and English film actor, screenwriter, composer, film Director, producer and editor, universal master of cinema, the Creator of one of the most famous images of world cinema-the image of the tramp Charlie

Warner Brothers Warner Brothers in Hollywood made the first in which an actor sang and spoke.

Color cinema in Russia The first hand-painted black-and-white film in Russia was " Ukhar-Kupets ".

The first Russian cartoon The first Russian cartoon "the Beautiful Lukanida , or the war of the horned with the barbels " was created by Vladislav Starevich in 1912.

World-famous film companies In our time the film industry is very developed, there are a large number of film companies that have a worldwide reputation.

Universal Studios Universal Studios, the largest and oldest film company in the United States, was founded in 1912 by Karl Lemmle . Based in the United States - Los Angeles (universal city), California .

Famous films of the film company Universal Studious

Warner Brothers The largest USA film company, Warner Brothers, was founded in 1923 by four brothers: Harry Warner, albert Warner, Sam Warner, and Jack Warner. Based in the United States - Burbank, California.

Famous films of the film company Warner Brothers

20th Century Fox The 20th Century Fox film company was founded in 1935 as a result of the merger of two studios: Fox Film Corporation, founded in 1915 by William Fox, and Twentieth Century Pictures, founded in 1933 by Darryl F. Zanuck, Joseph Schenck , Raymond Griffith, and William Getz. Based in the United States - Los Angeles, California.

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

The history of Russian cinema. The legendary actor and film director Eldar Ry.

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The history of Russian cinema. The legendary actor and film director Eldar Ry.

The history of Russian cinema. The legendary actor and film director Eldar Ryazanov.

Russian cinema During 1896-1897, films were shown in public in all world capi.

Russian cinema During 1896-1897, films were shown in public in all world capitals. In Russia, the first screening was held on the 4th of May in 1896 in St. Petersburg ,in the garden of "Aquarium". Then it was held in Moscow and all-Russia fair in Nizhny Novgorod. At the same time the first Russian Amateur photography was shooted. In January 3, 1897 the first trial session of "tableaux vivants" , the system of the Lumiere brothers was presented in Kiev. After a few months later, the famous theatrical entrepreneur Nikolai Solovtsov has acquired a Lumière a camera and started a Russian tour with him. The first film was made by photographer Fedetsky. Alfred Fedetsky Nikolai Solovtsov

Eldar Aleksandrovich Ryazanov

Eldar Aleksandrovich Ryazanov

Ryazanov’s childhood Eldar Ryazanov was born in November 18, 1927 in Samara.

Ryazanov’s childhood Eldar Ryazanov was born in November 18, 1927 in Samara. He loved literature since childhood and wanted to be a writer and to travel. After graduation, he entered "VGIK". He became a student of the famous Director Grigory Mikhailovich Kozintsev’s Studio.

Ryazanov’s teachers In 1950 he graduated the "cinematography" with honors , h.

Ryazanov’s teachers In 1950 he graduated the "cinematography" with honors , his diploma work was the documentary "They study in Moscow". Among Ryazanov’s teachers there was a great Director Sergei Eisenstein, he saw the talent of the young Ryazanov. In 1955 Ryazanov became the Director of a film Studio "Mosfilm ", under a leadership of Ivan Pyrev. He made Ryazanov to take up Comedy.

Ryazanov’s film The first film by Eldar Ryazanov became musical Comedy “The c.

Ryazanov’s film The first film by Eldar Ryazanov became musical Comedy “The carnival night". It was a huge success. After the art debut “The carnival night" the whole country knew the name of a new filmmaker. A Famous actor Igor Ilyinsky played in the film one of his best roles of bureaucrat Ogurtsov, and the main role was played by the young actress Ludmila Gurchenko. The song "Five minutes" from the movie sang the whole country.

Ryazanov’s tragicomedy The desire to see life in a funny light is a property.

Ryazanov’s tragicomedy The desire to see life in a funny light is a property of nature which Ryazanov fortunately has. In 1966 Ryazanov wrote the script for his film. The film "Beware of the car" appeared. It is the story of a Soviet Robin hood. And in 1976 the movie "Irony of destiny or With light steam“ appeared. The film is very good ,and the use of poems and songs created an atmosphere of lyrical meditations about life.

Ryazanov’s role Usually, the Director Eldar Ryazanov invented a role-joke for.

Ryazanov’s role Usually, the Director Eldar Ryazanov invented a role-joke for the actor by Eldar Ryazanov. He played a role of an educated Professor from the movie "Garage", the railwayman from the film "Station for two" and a charming passenger from the film "Irony of destony or With light steam ".

Ryazanov’s catch phrase The catch phrases from Eldar Ryazanov’s movies has en.

Ryazanov’s catch phrase The catch phrases from Eldar Ryazanov’s movies has enriched our everyday vocabulary. From the film "Beware of the car“ it is a phrase “Men should Marry an orphan”. From the movie "Irony of destiny or With easy steam" it is a phrase “What a muck is your jellied fish”. From the movie “Office romance " it is a phrase “Just shoes makes woman a woman”.

- The first film was demonstrated in may 1896 in St Petersburg (Первый фильм был показан в России в 1896 году в Санкт-Петербурге).

- A.Khanzhonkov founded the first film studio in Moscow. (А. Ханжонков основал первую киностудию в Москве)

- The first sound film appeared in USSR, USA and Germany at the end of the 20s (Первые фильмы со звуком появились в СССР, США и Германии в конце 20-х годов.)

- The first sound cinema house opened in 1929 in Leningrad. (Первый кинотеатр, демонстрирующий звуковые фильмы открылся в Ленинграде в 1929 году)

Распространение кинематографии в России началось с показа фильма братьев Люмьеров в мае 1896 года в Санкт-Петербурге и в Москве, а затем в Нижнем Новгороде. Киноиндустрия развивалась в основном в Санкт-Петербурге и в Москве и связана с именем А. Ханжонкова, который основал первые киностудии. В двадцатые годы звездами немого кино были В.Холодная, В.Полонский, В.Машков и другие. Самыми популярными жанрами в Российском кино были исторические фильмы и киноверсии знаменитых романов, таких как "Аэлита" А.Толстого, "Тихий Дон" М.Шолохова. Первые озвученные фильмы появились одновременно в трех странах: СССР, США и Германии в конце 1920х годов. В октябре 1929 первый кинотеатр, показывающий фильмы со звуком, начал работать. Большое внимание было уделено фильмам для детей. Один из самых знаменитых режиссеров - А.Роу, создатель сказок. А другой знаменитый актер и режиссер, чье имя неотделимо от фильмов для детей - Р.Быков. Несколько поколений детей наслаждались его фильмами "Внимание! Черепаха." и "Айболит!". Имена Н. Михалкова, А. Кончаловского и А. Тарковского известны во всем мире как имена создателей незабываемых, реалистичных произведений искусства.

The first film was demonstrated in Russia by brothers Lumbiere. Film making industry developed mainly in Moscow and St Petersburg. A. Khanzhonkov founded the first film studios. In 20s the films were silent. V. Kholodnaya, V.Mashkov and others starred in them. Historic films were very popular at that time. The first sound film appeared at the end of 1920s and the first sound cinema house was opened in 1929. Films of inany genres were shot and there are names of Russia directors which are world-known, N.S. Michalkov, for example.

(Первый фильм в России был показан братьями Люмьер в 1896 году. Киноиндустрия развивалась в основном в Санкт Петербурге и Москве. А. Ханжонков основал первые киностудии. B двадцатые годы фильмы были немые, звездами немого кино были В. Холодная, В. Машков и другие. B Российском кино были популярны исторические фильмы. Первый озвученный фильм появился в конце 1920-х годов, а в 1929 был открыт первый кинотеатр, показывающий фильмы со звуком. Снимались фильмы различных жанров, и имена некоторых российских режиссеров известны во всем мире, например H.C. Михалков.)

The spreading of cinematography in Russia started with the demonstration of the Lumi?re brothers' film in May 1896 in St. Petersburg and Moscow and later in Nizhni Novgorod. The film making industry developed mainly in St. Petersburg and in Moscow and its development is firmly connected with the name of A. Khanzhonkov, who founded the first film studios. In the '20s the stars of silent films were V. Kholodnaya, V. Polonski, V. Mashkov and others. The most popular genres of Russian films were historic films and screen versions of famous novels, such as Aelita by A. Tolstoi, and Quiet Flows the Don by M. Sholokhov. The first sound films simultaneously appeared in three countries, the USSR, USA, and Germany at the end of the 1920s. In October 1929 the first sound cinema house started its work. The greatest attention was paid to films for children. One of the most famous directors is A. Rou, the creator of fairy tales. And another famous actor and director whose name is inseparably linked with.

*Цитирирование части задания со ссылкой на учебник производится исключительно в учебных целях для лучшего понимания разбора решения задания.

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