Диалог на английском про путешествие с другом кратко

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

- Hello Anna! Have not seen you for a long time. Where were you?

- I traveled to Latvia with my parents. Just returned yesterday.

- Where have you been, what have you seen?

- We visited Riga, Jurmala and Sigulda.

- What do you like best?

- I really liked the center of Riga. Each house is a work of art. Beauty is also added by the proximity of the river. Central Park in Riga is simply amazing. There are many beautiful landscape compositions and sculptures.

- What did you like in Jurmala?

- In Jurmala, we were not for long, but the main purpose of the train there was, of course, the sea. Sights not much considered. Just bathed and sunbathed.

- And how do you like Sigulda? My mom used to be there. She said that there was very beautiful.

- And there is. Most of all I remember Turaida Castle. It is exactly such as you imagine castles when you read books about chivalry and the Middle Ages.

- You have got me interested. I must also go to Latvia somehow.

- Привет Анна! Давно тебя не видела. Ты где была?

- Я с родителями путешествовала по Латвии. Только вчера вернулась.

- Где ты была, что видела?

- Мы побывали в Риге, Юрмале и Сигулде.

- А что тебе больше всего понравилось?

- Мне очень понравился центр Риги. Каждый домик - это произведение искусства. Красоты добавляет также близость реки. Центральный парк В Риге просто восхитителен. Много красивых ландшафтных композиций и скульптур.

- А что тебе понравилось в Юрмале?

- В Юрмале мы были недолго, но главной целью поезди туда было, конечно же, море. Достопримечательности сильно не рассматривали. Просто купались и загорали.

- А как тебе Сигулда? Моя мама когда-то там была. Говорила, что там очень красиво.

- Так и есть. Больше всего мне запомнился Турайдский замок. Он именно такой, какими представляешь замки, когда читаешь книги про рыцарство и средние века. - Ты меня очень заинтересовала. Надо как-нибудь также съездить в Латвию.

Путешествия (Travelling) диалоги на английском

Путешествия (Travelling) диалоги на английском с переводом, в которых затрагиваются наиболее характерные для путешествий ситуации. Английские диалоги Путешествия (Travelling) помогут вам при покупке билета на самолет, общении с администратором отеля или при выезде из гостиницы.

Если же вы изучаете английский язык, то диалоги на английском Путешествия (Travelling) можно взять за основу для выполнения своего домашнего задания, а учителя могут использовать эти диалоги на своих уроках для выработки разговорных навыков у учеников.

Диалог должен быть типа: "Давай поедем туда. там красиво..и т.д и т.п."-"Нет. там жарко. и т.д. и т.п. А давай поедем туда..там. интересно..ит.д. и т.п."-"Нет..я не хочу..там конечно красиво, но. и.т.д. и т.п. А давй лучше поедем туда?там. то. се. "-"О..отличная идея..там действительно..ит.д. и т.п."

-Hello. Jane!
-Hey! How're you?
-I'm fine thanks, by the way, i wanted to ask you a question!
-Yeah, i'm listening!
-i heard, you would have your vacations soon, wouldn't you?
-Yes, you're right!
-May be, we will spent it together? i wonna invite you to Paris!
-Oh. you see. i spent my last vacations in Paris. i wanna see something new!
-I understand. And how about Switzerland??
-no. i can't ski at all! and it's rather cold there!
-May be Italy? I know a wonderfull place on the see shore! You certanly would like it!
-I even dont know!
-Oh! Come on! We'll have a nice time there together!
-O'key! i think it won't be too expensive!
-Don't worry, it's rather cheep!

-Привет Джейн!
-Привет, как дела?
-Всё хорошо, между прочим, я хотела тебя о чём-то спросить
-Хорошо, я весь внимание!
-Я слышал у тебя скоро каникулы, не так ли?
-Да, ты прав!
-Может мы проведём их вместе? Я хотел бы пригласить тебя в Париж!
-Видишь ли.. . я уже была в Париже на прошлых каникулах, хотелось бы увидеть что-то новенькое!
-Понимаю.. . а как насчёт Швейцарии?
-Пожалуй нет.. . я совсем не умею кататься на лыжах, да и холодно там!
-Может быть Италия? Я знаю прекрасное местечко на берегу моря, тебе там точно понравится!
-Даже не знаю!
-Ну! Давай же! Мы отлично проведём время вместе!
-Хорошо! Думаю это обойдётся не так дорого!
-Не волнуйся, достаточно дёшево.

Вот по англизки:
" Let's go to Africa? There very beautiful and rare plants. "
" Is not present in Africa very hot "
" And give поедим to Paris? There many interesting places. "
" There is no to Paris I do not want there понечно beautifully and interestingly, but I do not know language. "
" And let's go to my grandmother to village? There fresh air and a number(line) small river. "
" About excellent(different) idea in villages really well and fresh air! "

Вот перевод
"Давай поедем в Африку? там очень красивые и редкие растения. "
"Нет в Африке очень жарко"
"А давай поедим в Париж? там много интересных мест. "
"Нет в Париж я не хочу там понечно красиво и интересно, но я не знаю языка. "
"А давай поедем к моей бабушки в деревню? Там свежий воздух и рядом речка. "
"О отличная идея в деревни действительно хорошо и свежий воздух! "

Two friends meet each other in the street:
- Hello Steve! Haven't seen you 5 weeks! Where have you been? - asked John
Steve didn't seem so happy to meet John, but he smiled anyway:
- Oh, hi! How are you? ..I see you have been on a diet :) You look nice!
-Thanks!- John didn't understand the joke.
- Well, you know. People who have no financial problems can do everything they want. - answered Steve with proud face.
- I was on a holiday in Bulgaria. Very sweet country.
- Wow. And what is this country-Bulgaria? Haven't heard it before!- John wasn't very smart.
- It is in Europe! Between Romania and Greece!
- Mmm. and what are your impressions?
- I was in the city of Varna. It is near the sea. It is called the sea capital of Bulgaria, and it's one of the most beautiful cities there. I have visited lots of cultural places.
- Hahaha. and you call it "holiday", if you visit stupid museums and galleries whole day and at night you stay in the hotel, watching "dirty" channels, I suppose!- said John with anger in his voice.
- Who told you I was in the hotel at nights?
- Try to guess- ladies, music, dances. Women there are very beautiful, but their husbands. It was very hard to escape from them.
- And what happened?
- First two days where incredible. I have been almost everywhere in Varna.
- And you stayed there only two days?-asked John.
- No, I was there for 2 weeks.
- And what did you do the next one week and five days?
- I was in the hospital with broken hand and leg.- Steve became red.
- Hahaha. And why?
- Because I thought everything is like in America- you always can get what you want. But I was wrong.

-Hi, Ann.
-Hi, Sergei
-How are you?
-Fine, thanks.
-What are you going to do this evening?
-I don`t know. It is likely I`ll stay at home. It is cloudy and forecast is not good.
-Oh, come on. The forecasts lie very often. Rain is unlikely this time of year.
-I`d better stay at home. I don`t want to get cold one more time. Come to my home. We can watch DVD.

Простой вариант
Hello! Can I help you?.
I would like asked you some question.
Whether you like travelling?
Yes of course. It is very interesting. But I with my parents rarely travel.
Where have you already been?
We were In London and Cambodia.
What kind of traveling you prefers?
I like travel by car.

-Hello. Jane!
-Hey! How're you?
-I'm fine thanks, by the way, i wanted to ask you a question!
-Yeah, i'm listening!
-i heard, you would have your vacations soon, wouldn't you?
-Yes, you're right!
-May be, we will spent it together? i wonna invite you to Paris!
-Oh. you see. i spent my last vacations in Paris. i wanna see something new!
-I understand. And how about Switzerland??
-no. i can't ski at all! and it's rather cold there!
-May be Italy? I know a wonderfull place on the see shore! You certanly would like it!
-I even dont know!
-Oh! Come on! We'll have a nice time there together!
-O'key! i think it won't be too expensive!
-Don't worry, it's rather cheep!

Английский для меня

Английский для меня

Английский для меня

Английский для меня

Английский для меня

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