Британский музей на английском кратко

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

There are many museums in London. One of the most famous is the British Museum. Built in the middle of the last century, it is situated in Bloomsbury, a district in central London. It is an immense, light-grey building, like a Greek temple.

It is difficult to answer the question, “What is the British Museum?” However, we shall try.

In the first place it is a great library, one of the largest in the world, with something 6 or 7 million books. By law a copy of every book, pamphlet, periodical including maps and music published in Britain must be kept at the British Museum. Newspapers are kept in a separate building in another part of London.

Many famous people of the past worked here. Among them were Charles Dickens, Karl Marx, V.I.Lenin.

Secondly, the British Museum is a great scientific institution, generally known as Natural History Museum.

Lastly the British Museum has a wonderful art gallery. It has unique collections of sculpture, ceramic, drawings and paintings of the Egyptian, Greeks, Romans, Chinese, Japanese, Indians and many other peoples.

It has unique collections of Italian drawings (Leonardo da Vinci), English and French prints, and so on, and so on.

Бесплатный вход в музеи

В Великобритании огромное количество музеев, во многих из которых вход бесплатный.

Британский музей

Один из самых известных – Британский музей в Лондоне, который был основан в 1753 году. Это музей человеческой истории и культуры. Его коллекции – одни из крупнейших в мире и представляют разные континенты. Во-первых, это огромная библиотека с 6 или 7 миллионами книг, которая считается одной из самых больших в мире. Согласно британскому закону каждая книга, памфлет или периодическое издание, изданные в Британии, должны храниться в этом музее. Во-вторых, Британский музей – это научный институт, известный как Музей естественной истории, где представлены коллекции международной важности. Это место вдохновляет людей по-другому думать об окружающей среде и лучше заботиться о нашей планете. Наконец, в Британском музее есть замечательная художественная галерея, помещающая уникальные коллекции скульптуры, керамики, рисунков и картин. Там также есть большая коллекция итальянских картин.

Галерея Тейт

Галерея Тейт, которая была основана в 1897, представляет современных художников Англии и Франции. Там находится потрясающая коллекция французских импрессионистов. Также в музее есть образцы современной скульптуры.

Лондонская галерея

Лондонская галерея в Лондоне, основанная в 1824, обладает богатой коллекцией свыше 2 300 картин, датируемых от середины 13 века до 1900. Она расположена на Трафальгарской площади. Там вы можете найти шедевры Гейнсборо, Тернера, Констебля, а также работы французских, испанских, датских и фламандских мастеров.

Музей Виктории и Альберта

Музей Виктории и Альберта, основанный в 1852 и названный в честь принца Альберта и королевы Виктории, является крупнейшим в мире музеем прикладного искусства и дизайна, помещающего коллекцию в боле, чем 4,5 миллиона объектов.


В целом, в британских музеях можно увидеть массу интересных вещей.

Museums in Great Britain

Free admission

There are a great number of museums in Great Britain, most of which have free admission.

British Museum

One of the most famous is the British Museum in London, which was established in 1753. It’s a museum of human history and culture. Its collections are amongst the largest in the world and originate from all continents. First of all, it’s a huge library with 6 or 7 million books, which is considered to be one of the largest in the world. According to the British law a copy of every book, pamphlet or periodical published in Britain must be kept in this museum. Secondly, the British Museum is a scientific institution, known as Natural History Museum, where internationally important collections are shown. This place inspires people to think about the natural environment differently and to take better care of the planet. Finally, there is a wonderful art gallery in the British Museum housing unique collections of sculpture, ceramics, drawings and paintings. It also has a great collection of Italian drawings.

The Tate Gallery

The Tate Gallery, which was founded in 1897, presents modern masters of England and France. There is a marvelous collection of French impressionists. There are also some examples of modern sculpture in the museum.

The National Gallery in London

The National Gallery in London, which was founded in 1824, possesses a rich collection of over 2 300 paintings dating from the mid-13 th century to 1900. It is situated in Trafalgar Square. There you can find masterpieces of such painters as Gainsborough, Turner, Constable and also pictures of French, Spanish, Dutch and Flemish masters.

The Victoria and Albert Museum

The Victoria and Albert Museum, founded in 1852 and named after Prince Albert and Queen Victoria, is the world’s largest museum of decorative arts and design housing a collection of more than 4,5 million objects.


On the whole, there are numerous interesting things one can see in British museums.

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Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

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The British Museum in London is one of the world's largest and most important museums of human history and culture. It has more than seven million objects from all continents. They illustrate and document the story of human culture from its beginning to the present. As with all other national museums and art galleries in Britain, the Museum charges no admission fee.

A drawing of the Museum under construction in 1828

A drawing of the Museum under construction in 1828

The British Museum set up in 1753 and opened in 1759. It was the first museum.

The British Museum set up in 1753 and opened in 1759. It was the first museum in the world to be open to everyone. The museum gradually grew over the next two hundred years. It has nearly six million visitors a year and is the third most popular art museum in the world.

Some of the museum's most popular and important exhibits include the Rosetta Stone and the Elgin Marbles Elgin Marbles

The Elgin Marbles, the collection of marble sculptures that were taken from t.

The Elgin Marbles, the collection of marble sculptures that were taken from the Parthenon in Athens, is one of the museum's most famous attractions. They are located in the purpose-built Parthenon Galleries. The sculptures, also known as the Parthenon Marbles, were obtained by Thomas Bruce, the 7th Earl of Elgin and diplomat in Constantinopal in the Ottoman Empire, which at that time included Greece.

Earl Elgin obtained permission "to take away any pieces of stone with old ins.

Earl Elgin obtained permission "to take away any pieces of stone with old inscriptions or figures there on", to prevent any more damage by the Turkish. Lord Elgin's collection was at first displayed at his own house, but in 1816 the House of Commons decided to purchase the collection and hand it over to the British Museum.

The Rosetta Stone in the British Museum

The Rosetta Stone in the British Museum

 The Rosetta Stone on display in the Museum in 1874.

The Rosetta Stone on display in the Museum in 1874.

Cavalry from the Parthenon Frieze, West II, British Museum.

Cavalry from the Parthenon Frieze, West II, British Museum.

History The history of the British Museum began with the English physicist H.

History The history of the British Museum began with the English physicist Hans Sloane, who died aged 93 in 1753. During his life, he had collected many important things from all around the world. When he died, he did not want his collection to be split up between his relatives. He sold his collection to the Parliament of King George II. The Parliament set up the British Museum to hold the collection. By the time he died, Sloane had collected over 80,000 objects from all over the world including Egypt, Greece, Rome and the Americas. The collection was mostly books and manuscripts. There were many important archaeological pieces included as well.

Egyptian Collection Another highlight of the British Museum is the extensive.

Egyptian Collection Another highlight of the British Museum is the extensive Egyptian collection. Besides many sarcophagi and statues, including an enormous one of Pharaoh Ramesses II, the collection is home to the famous Rosetta stone, used by Jean-François Champollion to decipher the hieroglyphic writing. The text on the stone, created in 196 BC after the end of the Egyptian dynasties, is written in three different writings: Greek, hieroglyphic and demotic (a symplified form of hieroglyphic). The British Museum is also known for its very large and popular collection of Egyptian mummies and sarcophagi. You can even find animal mummies here.

Bust of Ramesses II Bust of Ramesses II Bust of Ramesses II

Bust of Ramesses II Bust of Ramesses II Bust of Ramesses II

Assyrian collection The Assyrian collection features relief carvings from th.

Assyrian collection The Assyrian collection features relief carvings from the palaces of the Assyrian kings at Nimrud, Khorsabad and Nineveh. The enormous winged bulls from the palace of Sargon II are especially impressive.

Assyrian winged bull

Assyrian winged bull

Statue of Maussollos, king of Caria. It is on display in Greek and Rome depar.

Statue of Maussollos, king of Caria. It is on display in Greek and Rome department of the British Museum

Department of the Middle East Key objects in the collection include: The Cyru.

Department of the Middle East Key objects in the collection include: The Cyrus Cylinder, a cylindrical scroll from 539 BC. Written on it is the story of Cyrus, king of Babylon. He gave rights back to the people of Assyria after the previous king enslaved them and burned their temples. Several ten feet tall statues of lions and bulls with human heads. The fifteen foot high bronze gates of the fortress of Galawat.

The Cyrus Cylinder on display in Room 52 of the British Museum. It is often s.

The Cyrus Cylinder on display in Room 52 of the British Museum. It is often seen as the first written example of human rights from anywhere in the world

Other departments The many other departments in the museum include Africa, O.

Other departments The many other departments in the museum include Africa, Oceania, and the Americas; Sudan; Asia; Coins and Medals; Conservation, Documentation and Science; Greek and Roman Antiquities; the Middle East; Portable Antiquities and Treasure; Prehistory and Europe; and Prints and Drawings.

The Museum's Collection The collection found at the British Museum is enjoyed by millions each year. Because the museum is so large, many visitors take more than one day to explore. Not all of the more than seven million artifacts are on display, but much of the collection constantly rotates so you'll see something new with each visit.

Музей — это место, где каждый сантиметр пропитан духом ушедших времён, где прошлое встречается с настоящим. Данный урок познакомит вас с самыми лучшими музеями Великобритании.

Этот музей является одним из самых больших в мире. Он находится в Лондоне. Британский музей содержит более 7 миллионов различных объектов с разных континентов.

Музей естествознания был открыт в 1881 году. На данный момент в нём действует несколько постоянных выставок. Каждый год музей посещает более 5 миллионов людей.

Музей науки оставит у вас незабываемые впечатления. Он является одним из самых больших музеев науки и техники в мире. Данный музей был основан в 1857 году. Он расположен в южной части Кенсингтона в Лондоне. Музей науки также является одним из самых посещаемых музеев науки и техники в Европе. Каждый год сюда приходит более 3 миллионов людей.

Музей Виктории и Альберта — один из самых больших музеев декоративно-прикладного искусства и дизайна в мире. Он расположен в Лондоне. Этот музей был основан в 1852 году и назван в честь королевы Виктории и принца Альберта. На данный момент в нём действует постоянная выставка, которая содержит более 2 миллионов экспонатов.

Этот музей является одним из самых больших железнодорожных музеев в мире. Он был открыт принцем Филиппом в 1975 году. Национальный железнодорожный музей рассказывает историю железнодорожного транспорта в Британии.

Национальная галерея — музей в Лондоне, расположенный на Трафальгарской площади. Он был основан в 1824 году. Данный музей содержит огромную коллекцию картин. Эта коллекция включает в себя более 2300 экспонатов. Национальная галерея является одной из самых посещаемых в мире.

Этот музей расположен в Лондоне. Он был сооружён в 1939 году за неделю до того, как Великобритания объявила войну Германии. В данном музее находится большой зал заседаний, где раньше собирались министры и генералитет, чтобы принимать важные решения.

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