Агата кристи биография кратко на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Агата Кристи – автор более сотни рассказов, 17 пьес, более 70 детективных романов, переведеных на 103 языка. Agatha Christie is the author of over a hundred short stories, 17 plays, more than 70 detective novels translated into 103 languages.

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Агата Кристи – английская писательница. Родилась Агата Кристи 15 сентября 1890, в Торквее, графство Девон, Англия. Образованием Агаты, рано потерявшей отца, занималась мама. В 1914 вышла замуж за летчика Арчибальда Кристи. В годы Первой мировой войны Агата Миллер работала медсестрой в военном госпитале, училась фармакологии. В это же время, в перерывах между дежурствами, начала писать детективы.

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Agatha Christie is an English writer. Agatha Christie was born on September 15, 1890, in Torquay, Devon, England. The education of Agatha, who lost her father early, was taken care of by her mother. In 1914 she married the pilot Archibald Christie (Colonel Archibald Christie). During World War I, Agata Miller worked as a nurse in a military hospital and studied pharmacology. At the same time, in between duty, she began to write detectives.

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– Знакомы ли вы с творчеством Агаты Кристи?

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– Конечно. Агата Кристи создала множество героев, самым известным из которых несомненно стала мисс Марпл.

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– Да, Мисс Марпл – моя самая любимая героиня Она кроткая и скромная английская бабушка, которая по счастливой случайности обладает неожиданной склонностью к анализу и мощным интеллектом.

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– Do you know the works of Agatha Christie?

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– Of course. Agatha Christie created many heroes, the most famous of which was undoubtedly Miss Marple.

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– Yes, Miss Marple is my favorite heroine. She is a meek and modest English grandmother who, by a lucky chance, has an unexpected penchant for analysis and a powerful intellect.

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Биография Агаты Кристи

Childhood and youth

Agatha Christie was a famous English writer. She was born on 15 September 1890 in Torquay, Devon. Her parents were wealthy US immigrants. Agatha was the youngest daughter in the family.

During World War I Agatha Christie worked as a hospital nurse. She liked it very much. First time she got married on Christmas Day (in 1914). Her husband Archibald Christie was an army officer. Five years later Agatha gave birth to their daughter Rosalind. This was the time when she started her career as a writer. In 1920 Agatha Christie published her first detective novel “The mysterious affair at Styles”.

In 1926 Agatha’s mother died, and soon after that her husband fell in love with another woman and asked for a divorce. In December 1926 Agatha Christie disappeared. She left a letter where she wrote that she was heading to Yorkshire. Nothing was known about her for 11 days. She didn’t explain her disappearance. In 1928 Archibald and Agatha divorced.

Second marriage and later years

In 1930 Agatha Christie went to Iraq. During that journey she met her future husband archaeologist Max Mallowan. Agatha Christie’s second husband was 15 years younger than her. They travelled together a lot. Agatha accompanied him on his trips to Iraq and Syria. Christie often used those settings for her new novels.

In 1971 her health became worse. There is an opinion that Agatha Christie suffered from Alzheimer's disease. Nevertheless, she kept on writing. Agatha Christie died on 12 January 1976 at her home in Wallingford (Oxfordshire).

Agatha Christie’s works

Christie published more than 60 detective novels, 6 psychological novels and 19 story collections. Her 16 plays have been staged in London.

The most famous works by Agatha Christie are “And then there were none”, “Murder on the Orient express”, “Poirot investigates”, “The man in the brown suit” and many others.

Детство и молодость

Агата Кристи – известная английская писательница. Она родилась 15 сентября 1890 года в городе Торки, графство Девон. Ее родители были состоятельными переселенцами из США. Агата была младшей дочерью в семье.

В 1926 году умерла мать Агаты, а вскоре после этого ее муж полюбил другую женщину и попросил развод. В декабре 1926 года Агата Кристи исчезла. Она оставила письмо, в котором написала, что отправилась в Йоркшир. В течение 11 дней о ней ничего не было известно. Сама она не объяснила свое исчезновение. В 1928 году Арчибальд и Агата развелись.

Второе замужество и последние годы

В 1930 году Агата Кристи поехала в Ирак. В этом путешествии она познакомилась со своим будущим мужем – археологом Максом Маллоуэном. Второй муж Агаты Кристи был моложе ее на 15 лет. Они много путешествовали вместе. Агата сопровождала мужа в поездках по Сирии и Ираку. Часто местом действия ее новых романов становились эти места.

В 1971 году ее здоровье стало ухудшаться. Существует мнение, что Агата Кристи страдала болезнью Альцгеймера. Тем не менее, она продолжала писать. Умерла Агата Кристи 12 января 1976 года у себя дома в городе Уоллингфорд (Оксфордшир).

Произведения Агаты Кристи

Кристи опубликовала более 60 детективных романов, 6 психологических романов и 19 сборников рассказов. 16 ее пьес были поставлены в Лондоне.

Agatha Christie is known all over the world as the Queen of Crime. She wrote 78 detective novels, 19 plays, and 6 romantic novels. Her books have been translated into 103 foreign languages. They are the third best-selling books in the world (after Shakespeare’s works and the Bible). Many of her novels and short stories have been filmed. The Mousetrap, her most famous play, is now the longest-running play in history of world theatre.

When Agatha Cristie got tired of Hercule Poirot she invented Miss Mar-pie, a deceptively mild old lady with her own method of investigation.

The last Poirot book, The Curtain, appeared shortly before the writer’s death, and the last Miss Marple story, The Sleeping Murder, and her autobiography were published after her death.

Agatha Christie’s success with millions of readers lies in her ability to combine clever plots with excellent character drawing* and a keen sense of humour with a great observation. Her plots always mislead the reader and keep him in suspense. He cannot guess who the criminal is. Fortunately, evil is always conquered in her novels.

Agatha Christies language is simple and good and it is pleasant to read her books in the original.

Агата Кристи

Когда Агата Кристи устала от Эркюля Пуаро, она изобрела мисс Марпл, обманчиво мягкую пожилую леди со своим собственным методом расследования.

Успех Агаты Кристи у миллионов читателей заключается в ее способности соединять умные сюжеты с превосходным описанием персонажей и тонкое чувство юмора с большой наблюдательностью. Ее сюжеты всегда вводят в заблуждение читателя и держат его в напряжении. Он не может догадаться, кто преступник. К счастью, зло всегда побеждено в ее романах.

Биографии на английском

Агата Кристи краткая биография на английском представлена в этой статье. Биография Агаты Кристи на английском языке может быть дополнена интересными фактами.

Агата Кристи биография на английском

Agatha Christie is reputably known throughout the world as the “Queen of Crime”. The Guinness Book of Records cites her as the second best-selling author of all time, after William Shakespeare. She also has the honor of being the most widely translated author. Her books have been translated into more than 103 languages.

She was born in Torquay, Devon, England. She did not receive any formal schooling, but did not lack education either. She taught herself to read from a very young age. During the First World War, she worked as a nurse at a hospital and there met her husband, Archibald Christie. In that period, she also started writing books.

The Mysterious Affair at Styles marked the inception of her fictional crime writing career and also gave the world one of the most enticing characters in literature – Hercule Poirot. A retired Belgian police man with an egg shaped head and black moustaches; Poirot was featured as the detective in most of her novels. However, Murder at the Vicarage introduced an elderly spinster lady, Jane Marple, in the quaint English village of St Mary Mead. She had a deep understanding of human nature and inquisitiveness that led to solving many mysteries with intense concentration and intuition.

Eventually, Christie became the unacknowledged “Queen of Crime Fiction”. During her life span, she wrote more than 66 novels, several short stories and screenplays, along with a number of romantic movies using the pseudonym Mary Westmacott. Numerous novels of hers were made into motion pictures, the most famous being Murder on the Orient Express in 1974.

Apparently, a strong impact of writing developed on the author as well, after the incident on the 3 rd of December when she promptly vanished. There was wide speculation that she had been murdered when her car was found abandoned near a lake named Silent Pool in Surrey with the hood up, lights on, and the cab holding her belongings. There are several accounts on just how many hundreds of people went out searching for her, but after eleven days she was finally discovered at the Hydropathic Hotel (now Old Swan) in Harrowgate where she was residing under a different name. This incident bore uncanny resemblance to a scene from one of her novels, and it was later adapted into a book by Jared Cade titled, Eleven Missing Days. Similarly, there was another novel, Agatha, written by Kathleen Tynan which was made into a major motion picture.

Some of Christie’s best-known works are The ABC Murders (1936), And Then There Were None [also known as Ten Little Indians] (1945), The Mousetrap(longest ever running stage play in London, first performed in 1952), Hickory Dickory Dock (1955),Witness for the Prosecution (1957), Murder on the Orient Express (1974), and Death on the Nile (1978).

In 1971, Agatha Christie was also made a Dame of the British Empire. She died on 12th January 1976.

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