My school years план конспект 10 класс

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

I. Introduction.
The objectives of the lesson.
II. Warming-up activities.
Pupils answer the following questions:
1) Do teenage years bring luck?
2) Do you see only problems in growing up?
3) Do you find the ways to cope with them?
4) Will the life without problems be better?
5) Do you think that people can live without problems?
Teacher. Problem is the result of the activity of human mind, only a Simpleton can have no problems and be happy with eve¬rything. Nothing will come of nothing. And of course, problems are inevitable when people do something. I think that without problems our life will be very boring. Moreover, when people start to cope with different ^problems they become stronger and more experienced. They harden like steel while overcoming problems. And what is you opinion?
Pupils exchange their opinions.
III. Phonetic activities.
1. Ex. 2, p. 126 (Student's book).
Teacher. While some teens see only problems in growing up, try to find the ways to cope with them. These two poems are from the "Just 17" magazine. What problems do the authors write about?
Why is nothing ever easy?
Why are some boys so very sleazy?
Why can't I have that brand new dress?
Why am I under so much stress?
Why don't my parents ever believe me?
Why can't they ever see .
Why do I feel so often unhappy?
Why do they always wish I was still in a nappy
Why does my face like a block of lard?
Why are all these years really hard?
There's a reason for all these problems and tears
I'm going through my Teenage years!
(by a frustrated teenager)
Growing up, doesn't it just suck?
It seems to be full of constant bad luck.
Zits, bad hair days and putting on weight,
So many reasons for your self-bate.
But hey, you are alive, you are unique, you are so cool,
Why do you always feel such a fool?
Be true to yourself, forget all your faults,

And you'll soon be thinking much happier thoughts.
Live life to the max and paint your town red,
Who care what people think and what they have said?
Don't let them win and make you feel bad,
Cause people like that are really quite sad.
So, enjoy your teens and have some fun
Your life has only just begun!
(Lauren Romford)
Pupils answer the question given before reading.
PI: The author of the 1st poem sees only problems in her life: the boys are sleazy, her parents don't believe her she can't have a brand new dress. But she doesn't see that she has attentive parents, that she can go to school.
P2: I like the second poem. I like these words: "Live life to the max and paint your town red!". I agree with the author that "you are alive, you are unique, you are so cool!". Teenagers should enjoy their teens and have some fun!
IV. Lexical activities. Ex. 1, p. 124.
Translate into Russian.
1) to worry about – беспокоиться о чем-то;
2) to become a scary place - .становиться опасным местом;
3) teen pregnancy – беременность подростков;
4) to reach the age of 16 – достигнуть возраста 16 лет;
5) to focus more attention on something – концентрировать больше внимания на чем-либо;
6) to be hard enough – являться достаточно сложным;
7) a chore / char – обязанность, домашняя работа;
8) to hang out with – слоняться;
9) to put some pressure – оказывать давление;
10) a bunch of friends – группа друзей.
Pupils can do this exercise orally or in written form.
V. Grammar activities. Prepositions.
I. Ex.1, p. 93 (AB).
Teacher. Fill in the prepositions.
1) to worry (about)
2) to turn (to)
3) to have an experience (with)
4) to be combined (with)
5) decide (for) yourself
6) to focus attention (on)
7) to go out (on) weekends
8) to be hard enough (in) itself
9) to deal (with)
10) to hang (about)
11) to be conscious (of)
2. Ex. 6, p. 80.
Teacher. Fill in the prepositions for, with, on, or of.
1)1 don't agree __ you that children's rights are always kept.
2) The Convention is the document __ which Governments' work together __ the children's problems.
3) I met Tom __ the way to school and we walked together.
4) He can't approve __ the fact what made us behave like that.
5) We should get important information ___ the subject.
6) They don't know the result of the exam __ the time being.
7) All children should have the right __ education and health care.
Key: l)with;
5) on;
2) with, on;
6) for;
3) on;
7) to.
4) of;
Pupils do these exercises "in written form.
VI. Reading/listening (for the main idea).
Ex. 1, p. 124 (Student's book).
1. Pre-reading.
Teacher. In the early 90s British television had a series of discus¬sions on the problems of teenagers in a programme called "Crosstalk". Young people shared their opinions on what it means to be young. Read these opinions and answer the questions:
Which of these teenagers thinks that being young
- brings a lot of serious problems?
- allows you to do exciting and wonderful things?
- is a kind of duty and makes you feel responsible for what you do?
2. Reading (skimming).
Pupils rapidly look through the text in order to get a general idea of what the text is about.
3. Post-reading activities.
1) Pupils answer the questions:
PI: John thinks that teenage years bring a lot of serious problems (violence, teen pregnancy, AIDS).
P2: Estelle thinks that being a teenager isn't fun. It's a duty and makes you feel responsible for what you do!
P3: Bar thinks that being a teenager is great fun. Being a teenager al¬lows you to do exciting and wonderful things!
2) Ex. 1(9), p. 126.
Teacher. Thank you for your answers. And whose attitude to¬wards life appeals to you most?
P4: Estelle thinks that being a teenager is a duty. You have to go to school and your parents want you to get good grades. I agree that it is hard enough in itself. And besides, you have to deal with your own problems too.
(Strong pupils listen to the text without reading.)
VII. Speaking (monologue speech).
Ex. 2(8), p. 128 (Student's book).
Teacher. What does growing up mean to you? Share your opin¬ion with your classmates.
Pupils answer this question according to this chart:
Being a teenager is …
very difficult / scary dangerous / hard / . . .
boring / a chore / serious / not easy / . . .
great / fun / exciting wonderful / . . .
It seems as if/ that . . . I'm sure that . I feel that . . .
I (don't) think that . My view is that . . . I feel (also) that . . .
It's true that . But I can't agree that What's more.
PI: To my mind, being a teenager is exciting and wonderful. It's true that there are some problems, such as: zits, putting on weight. But I can't agree that we have no fun at all. We usually have fun just being around each other. We usually talk about humorous things. What's more, my friends and I try to help each other if we can.
P2: In my opinion, being a teenager is very difficult, dangerous and hard. The world is becoming a very scary place. I'm sure that almost every teenager will at one time or another have an experience with drugs, alcohol or sex, etc.
Pupils share their opinions with their classmates and use the models given in the chart.
VIII. The conclusion of the lesson.
Homework: ex. 3(1, 2), p. 129 (Student's book). Do the project "The way teenagers live".

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Этот план-конспект предлагается учителям,работающим в старших классах по учебнику " Спотлайт" Надеюсь, он будет полезной в работе. В конспекте дается сравнительная характерстика Российского и Американского образования, отличия и общие моменты в системе образования этих стран

School Life (1)

I am a pupil of the 11-th form, I study at school number 9. I would like to tell your about our school life.

I go to school five days a week. Our classes start at 8 o'clock a. m. and last till 3 o'clock p.m. So we have 6 or 7 lessons a day. We study many different subjects: Russian, English, French, literatures, history, geography, biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics, programming and computer sciences.

Languages, literature and history are my favourite subjects. I make good marks in these subjects. The school year is divided into four terms, called quarters. It begins on the 1st of September known as a Day of knowledge and finishes in May.

Each quarter is followed by holidays. Every pupil has a day-book where the teachers put down the marks, that pupil has earned at the class. During the classes pupils are to answer the teacher's questions, do some exercises, write sentences, count, read.

The pupils are often called to the blackboard. After every lesson the teachers give us home assignment. At the next lesson the teachers check them up. To do good at school one should make home assignments regularly, be active at the lessons and spend at least two-three hours every day studying.

I like studying. My favourite proverb is "Live and learn".

to last — продолжаться
programming — программирование to check up — проверять
regularly — регулярно
proverb — пословица
live and learn — век живи, век учись.
computer science — информатика
favourite — любимый
to divide — разделять
quarter — четверть
day-book — дневник
to earn a mark for the answer — получать оценку
home assignment — домашнее задание
to check up — проверять
regularly — регулярно
proverb — пословица
live and learn — век живи, век учись.

Открытый урок английского языка по теме "Школьная жизнь. Образование в Америке и России.

Совершенствование навыков аудирования и чтения.

Закрепление лексических и грамматических навыков по .

I. Организационный момент

II. Речевая разминка

– So, our theme is school life. Here are some proverbs about school and education. Listen and read. (Слайд 3). .

Live and learn. - век живи - век учись

Knowledge is a power. Знание - сила

It is never too late to learn. Никогда не поздно учиться

Practice makes perfect. Трудом достигается успех (без труда не выловишь и рыбку из пруда)

Diligence is the mother of success. Прилежание/ усердие - мать успеха

To begin with- let’s review words and phrases to our theme. Some riddles for you.

What’ the English for - перемена, уроки, столовая, средняя школа, получить образование, блюда, расценки, расписание, любимый урок, одноклассник, урок физкультуры.

A pause between 2 lessons, - break

A place you have lunch - dining room

A place where students of the age 14-17 study - high school

What do students do (get) at the university? - get education

A kind of product or food at the school dining room - dish

The cost of the dish -price

What shows the order of the lesson every day - timetable

A lesson you like most of all - favorite lesson

A student you study together in the class -classmate

A lesson where you physically very active - PE

One more question

– What is school for you? Why do you go to school? What for?

– Get a lot of knowledge.
– Make friends.
– Get a lot of information.
– Learn new things.
– Communicate with classmates.
– Take part in school activities.
– Do sports.

School days are the happiest days in your life. There are some advantages and disadvantages in the. school life. What do you like and what don’t you like at school? (Слайд 5)

IV. Проверка домашнего задания (Мнение учеников о школьном образовании)

School Education in Russia

Primary School - Primary Education

The Russian children usually start to go to school when they are seven years old. First the children learn at the primary school. They attend the primary school for four years. Children get there the elementary education. It means they learn to count, to read and to write. In most schools children also learn a foreign language beginning from the second form.

Secondary School- high Education

The fifth form means the beginning of the secondary education. Children learn different subjects, for example Biology, Literature, Chemistry, Physics, IT. In Russia the nine-year basic incomplete secondary education is compulsory. After the 9 th form children can continue their schooling or get the complete eleven-year secondary education. On the other hand, they can enter a college giving them the complete secondary education and proffesional training. After graduating from college the young people become financially independent and can start to work.

All in all, there are different types of schools in Russia. The children and their parents can choose a regular school , a school with advanced study of some subject, a private school. Private schools in Russia are always fee-paying. After graduating from school or college our young people can enter universities or institutes, where they get higher education.

What about our school? Your class?

Слайды (6) о нашей школе (4-5 слайдов) из жизни 10 класса

V. Совершенствование навыков аудирования . Работа над текстом.

стр. 57 упр. 2 (учебник)

And now, what about American high school? Let’s find out some interesting information about it from the text. (Слайд- фото) из учебн. cтр 57

Работа по тексту …. Прослушивание текста

Упр.3 а заполнить пропуски по прослушиванию

i Remove (take away) brackets and put the verbs in the right form

Упр.3 b Explain underlined words – informal teaching style

School life

Sport and extra-curricular activities

Would you like to spend a year in an American high school? (примерный текст из книги для учителя)

What would you like? What you wouldn’t?

Работа в парах (группах). 7,,

VI. Домашнее задание. Упр.5 стр.57.

Составит буклет по образцу о приглашении детей в Российскую школу из-за рубежа.

VII. Подведение итогов урока. Let’s make a conclusion. Now, I would like to know what’s the difference between the Russian and American education? Ученики один за другим называют отличия Российского и Американского образования.

– That’s all for today. Thank you for your active work! Your marks for the lesson…..

Придумать несколько упр на тему школа для работы после текста

– British children go to school at the age of 4 or 5. They go to instant school or kindergarten.
– Then they go to secondary school at the age of 10 or 11.
– There are different types of school: grammar, secondary, technical and comprehensive schools.
– They have 6, 7 lessons every day, after 2 or 3 lessons they have lunch.
– They study academic subjects: Mathematics, English, Physics, History and some extra courses such as Music, Drama, Art.
– At the end of each quarter or semester they have tests.
– The atmosphere in British schools is friendly. Students talk freely to teachers. Teachers listen to students’ opinion. They respect each other.
– They discuss any problems openly.
– School prepares children for real life.
– After finishing school they go to Universities or Colleges.

1) What do you think about a perfect school? Read the list of the ideas about a perfect school.
2) Do you agree with them? Share your ideas, please.
3) (Слайды 20-28). Now we shall talk about our school.
– What can you say about our school? Describe it.
– What classrooms are there? What subjects do you study?
– What foreign language do you study?
– Do you do sport? Do you have PE lessons?
– What activities do you take part in?
– What are the relations between our teachers and students? What is the atmosphere in our school?
– Do you like our school and why?

VII. Обучение учащихся работе в группе. Совершенствование навыков письменной речи

Divide into groups of two

– You will draw a poster and write your own proposals about a school your dream. You have 5 minutes then we shall listen to your opinion.

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‹‹ MY SCHOOL YEARS››. Говорение

Тип урока: урок развития навыков говорения.

Цель урока: развитие навыков говорения на основе нового грамматического материала.

образовательная: способствовать развитию навыков говорения на основе нового грамматического материала;

развивающая: способствовать развитию умения высказываться по теме связно, делать выводы;

воспитательная: способствовать развитию кругозора учащихся.

Оборудование: компьютер, раздаточный материал, мел, доска.

Дидактическое оснащение: учебник ‹‹ English 10. Student ’ s book ›› (Н.В. Юхнель и др.), раздаточный материал.

1.Организационный момент. Введение в тему урока и определение целей

Good morning, boys and girls ! I am glad to see you. Sit down, please. How are you?

Today we will continue our topic ‹‹ Education ››. We will answer the questions, read the texts and play.

2. Фонетическая зарядка. Введение в атмосферу иноязычного общения

Now I read the verse and you repeat after me. Read all together. Read one by one.

School is waiting

And down the street,

Then softly, quietly,

3.Основной этап урока

Развитие навыков чтения

Предтекстовый этап

Now we are going to read a text. Open your books on page 58. On the desk there are words that will help you understand the text.

Текстовый этап

Let’s start reading.

Послетекстовый этап

Discuss with your partner.

1. Is the author happy about her school years? Why do you

2. What makes you like / dislike this story?

Answer the questions. Are all students happy at school? What

makes some students unhappy?


You need to find the translation of proverbs that are hidden in the classroom.

Развитие навыков говорения

Answer my questions .

When was the school

Where is it located?

Is it a boarding school?

Where do the students

What are the entrance

What uniform do the

What subjects do they

What sports do they

What famous people

Create a dialogue about the most interesting situation at school.

5.Заключительный этап урока. Подведение итогов урока, объяснение домашнего з адания, выставление отметок


Our lesson is almost over. I give you the pictures and you must choose the picture that matches our lesson. Your hometask is ex. 5 p. 60 .

⁃ Your marks are … You have done a great job today. The lesson is over. You may be free. Good ⁃ bye .


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T.: Hello, my dear! I’m glad to see you. How are you? You must be tired after all you lessons, but I hope our lesson will be interesting. We are going to speak about Education in Great Britain and Russia.

2. Активизация речевых навыков, фонетическая зарядка

Education is very important in our life. An educated person knows a lot about many things. He always tries to deepen and improve his knowledge. For educated people it is easier to stand up all difficulties and they have a purpose in their life.

But there is another point of view. Look at the screen. There is a comic poem about studying. Let’s read it one by one.

Students read.

Do you agree with the author? Why do you personally go to school? Is it important to study?

Students answer.

No, I don’t agree. It’s important to study. I go to school because:

It’s interesting

I like to chat with my classmates and teachers

Want to get a good job

Want to enter the University

Want to know about different spheres of life

School makes me polite, helps to understand other people

So, we come to a conclusion that it’s important and interesting to study. And now it’s high time to check your homework. I asked to make a poster “My perfect school” and learn by heart words from Word list, 3 module. Now we will find out how you succeed in it. The poster is great, I liked it very much! And let’s work with vocabulary.

You can see on the screen different school subjects. When the picture changes or becomes bigger you name the subject. Do you understand?

Students answer.

Add some other subjects to this list. And tell me which subjects do you like and which, in your opinion, are the most useful?

Students answer.

Now, let’s activate your vocabulary connected with education in general.

There are some words on the screen. I will give a definition or show you this and you will me the word. Ok?

Attend – the synonym to be present at classes or visit classes.

Cheat – act dishonestly during the exam or test

Fail – to be unsuccessful during the exam (not to pass)

Extra-curricular – activities or subjects which are not a part of the usual school course

Compulsory – if children must go to school to get secondary education, it means that secondary education is… .

Vocational – a course or school, that prepare you for a job

Comprehensive – a kind of school for students of all abilities

Break – a period of time between lessons used for rest or snack

Headmaster – a teacher who is in charge of school, the main teacher you may say

Education – the process of getting knowledge

Co-educational –a type of school for both boys and girls

3.Повторение и закрепление грамматических конструкций

Now let’s revise both vocabulary and grammar material. On previous lessons we studied with you future tenses and some other ways of expressing future. Look at the screen. The task is to fill in the gaps using the verbs in correct form. Be attentive with clauses of time and condition!

Students do the task.

Now we will speak about education in Great Britain. We discussed with you stages of education, types of schools and other problems. Now let’s revise. You can see a table. Will you tell me what is the first stage? The next? Year 12 and 13 is …?

Now let’s answer some questions.

At what age do British children start and leave school?

In Great Britain, education is compulsory between the ages of 5 and 16, but many children attend a nursery school before they are five.

What stages is British education divided into?

At the age of five, children start primary school. Then, at the age of eleven, they begin their secondary education. When children are 16 they can continue their education in the Sixth form. Having passed A-level at the age of 18 they get an opportunity to enter the University.

What types of schools are there in Britain?

Most schools are comprehensive, but before the 1960s there had been grammar, technical and secondary modern school. Grammar schools provide a mainly academic education, while technical schools provide both general academic education and emphasize on technical subjects. Grammar schools are usually single-sex, and comprehensive schools are mixed.

Are all schools free?

Most children go to state schools, which are maintained by the government and free of charge, and only about 6% attend fee-paying private or independent schools. Around 550 most expensive schools in Britain are commonly known as public schools. Most of them are boarding, single-sex, where the education is of a high quality and the discipline is very strict.

How many terms are there in a school year?

A school year is divided into three terms, three month each, named after seasons: autumn, winter and spring. The autumn term starts on the first Tuesday in September. In July school break up for eight weeks.

What are the marks children get at school?

Each school day is divided into periods of 40-50 minutes, time for various lessons with 10-20 minutes' breaks between them. Pupils get marks: A, B, C, D and E. The best mark is A. The worst mark is E.

What exams do students have when they are 16? And 18?

The main exams are GCSEs (The General Certificate of Secondary education), which are taken by students of all levels of ability in any of a range of subjects. At 18 some students take A-level (the General Certificate of Education Advanced level (GCE A-level) examinations, usually in two or three subjects. It is necessary to have A-level in order to go to a university or Polytechnic. University students graduate after completing their first degree, usually in three years.

What do many young people do after leaving school? What does “gap” year mean?

A gap year (also known as year abroad, year out, year off) is a year during which students take time off and do something other than schooling, such as travel or work. The gap year is most commonly taken after secondary school and before starting university. The practice of taking a gap year developed in the UK in the 1960s.

Now look at the system of education in Russia. I will show a picture and you should match it to a certain stage of education.

And here you can see some statements. You should decide if they are True or False.

1. The right to be educated in Russia is guaranteed by the Constitution. (True)

2.Education in Russia is compulsory between the ages of 9 and 16. (False)

Education in Russia is compulsory between the ages of 7 and 17. But sometimes children go to school when they are 6.

3.After leaving the 9th form, students must continue their education at secondary school. (False)

After the 9th form pupils have to sit for examinations. Also they have a choice between entering the 10 th form of a general secondary school and enrolling in a specialized secondary or vocational school.

4. Tuition in most of schools is free of charge, but there are some private schools which are fee-paying. (True)

5. Having received the secondary education certificate, pupils get the opportunity to enter any higher educational institution. (True)

6. Russian students study 7 years at University. (False)

Russian students study 5 years at University, if they want to become a specialist. If they are getting a Bachelor degree they study 4 years and then 2 years more to become a Master.

1) Canford school – film, presentation

2) Lyceum 26 – film, presentation

Dear guests, welcome to our school!

Lyceum 26 is a comprehensive co-educational state school in Podolsk, Moscow region. It was founded in 1989. Our school is one of the largest one in the city where approximately 1,600 students study. A great attention here is paid to teaching technical subjects, such as Physics, Maths and IT.

Having entered the building, you appear in a spacious hall where a cloakroom is situated. On the ground floor there are classrooms, a canteen, a gym and doctor’s consulting room.

Оn the first floor there are classrooms, teacher’s room, 2 gyms, a swimming pool, assembly hall and 3 museums. There is an excellent library in the lyceum. It combines a modern computer lab, where you can work with the Internet and a great collection of Russian and foreign literature. The main prides of the lyceum are museums. They are Museum of Fashion, Museum of Russian culture and Museum of Battle Glory. You can see here a great exhibition of the most wonderful dresses, trench art items, old Russian clothes and furniture.

Most of the time students spend in classrooms equipped with all necessary facilities and conveniences. Students have to wear a uniform.

As for education, lyceum gives a great opportunity to prepare for state exams properly, to develop student’s creativity and self-discipline. Almost 99 % of school-leavers enter the best Universities of Moscow.

There are a lot of extra-curricular activities in the lyceum. They are Theatre of Fashion, dancing and sporting circles, and a great amount of academic options.

Everything here gives an opportunity to achieve goals in our lives and to become successful in any profession.

Thank you for your attention and we are always glad to see you at our school!

8.Тренировка монологической речи, высказывания по проблемной тематике

9.Выполнение задания на аудирование

Your are going to hear four people talking about wearing school uniforms. Match each statement 1-5 to one of speakers A-D. There is one question that you can match to 2 speakers.

1. I never had to wear a uniform. _D__

2. I can see some advantages of school uniforms. _C__ _ A__

3. I used to wear a uniform without protest. _C__

4. Wearing uniforms has a psychological effect. _D__

5. I don’t believe uniforms make students look equal. __B__

10.Объяснение домашнего задания

So, Im really confused. I can’t see the point of staying at school. I don’t seem to be making much progress. I find it difficult to feel motivated. Also, this month we have to choose what subjects we will study at advanced level. You can choose three, but I have no idea what to choose, or whether to stay at school at all…

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