Making your house green gateway a2 конспект урока

Обновлено: 16.05.2024

Предложенный конспект урока по дисциплине "Иностранный язык" (английский). Тема урока из раздела "Дом/Квартира". Данный урок предполагает обобщение изученного всего материала по указанному разделу. К данному уроку предлагается презентация.

презентация к уроку английского языка на тему ДОМ МОЕЙ МЕЧТЫ 1.28 МБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Предварительный просмотр:

Subject: the English Language

Teacher: Shamraeva Inna Gennadievna

Topic: My Dream House

Цель урока: формирование коммуникативной компетенции посредством изучения иностранного языка.

- способствовать развитию творческого (продуктивного) воображения студентов;

- развивать внимание, интеллектуальную и мотивационную сферы студента; образную, эмоциональную, символическую (словесно-логическую) память.

- прививать любовь к домашнему очагу и желание строить речевое взаимодействие в устной форме;

- воспитывать у студентов чувство коллективизма, умение внимательно слушать собеседника;

- повышать мотивацию к изучению иностранного языка.

Оборудование: проектор, экран, раздаточный материал

- организовать учащихся на работу на уроке

* Dear friends! I’m so delighted to see you. Let’s start our lesson.

* How are you today?

*How are you getting on?

Введение в тему урока.

- развивать у учащихся аналитическое мышление

* Now boys and girls, look at the screen.

There you see some proverbs. Let’s read them and say what they are all about.

1) There is no place like home.

2) East or West home is best.

3) Every bird likes its nest.

4) My home is my castle.

* Could you tell me what these proverbs are all about?

- сообщить учащимся тему урока

* I think each of you dreams about your own house.

Someday all of you will have to build or buy a house or a flat.

And I’m sure it will be a nice and spacious, light and comfortable one, the house or a flat you dreamt about.

* Today I suggest making your dream come true and build “Your Dream House”.

* That’s why we are going to the Company called “Sunnyview Constructions” to ask for some professional advice.

- учить учащихся определять значение лексических единиц по контексту;

- развивать навыки контекстуальной догадки

*First of all the specialists of the Company suggest you deciding a type of house you’d like to live in.

You know that there are a lot of them. Let’s read the description and guess what type of a house it is.

1. It is a large building divided into separate flats. (a block of flats)

2. It is a house which is not connected in any way with another house. (a detached house)

3. It is a type of a house built all on one level without stairs, mostly in tropical countries. (a bungalow)

4. It is a large grand house in which a king or a queen officially lives. ( a palace)

5. It is a house which is part of a line of joined houses. (a terraced house)

6. It is a small house, especially in the country. (a cottage)

7. It is a house which is one of two built together. (a semi-detached house)

8. It is a large strongly-built building made in former times to be defended from attack. (a castle)

Thank you. Clever you are!

Разделение по группам,

*In my opinion to build a house is rather a difficult task.

- Do you know who is responsible for a project and a model of a house? (an architect)

- Do you know who is responsible for comfort in a house? (a designer)

So I want you to try yourselves in these professions.

That’s why we have the group of “ARCHITECTS” and the group of “DESIGNERS”.

Each team has its own colour:

  • “ARCHITECTS” – your colour is “ORANGE”;
  • “DESIGNERS” – your colour is “BLUE”.

- развивать логическое мышление, умение работать в группах

I think if you are a good specialist, you should employ proper terminology of your profession.

Look at the screen. There are words and word combinations that belong to the sphere of constructing.

You are supposed to circle those which you are responsible for.

You have 2 minutes.

A storey, wall-paper, parquet, a false ceiling, a curtain, a grey brick wall, a tiled roof, an arched window, a coffee-table, a sofa, a front door, a chimney, a garage, a bedroom, a leather armchair, a fireplace, a fitted carpet, a sitting–room, a built-in wallunit, a cushion, a nursery, a study, a dining-room, a cushion, a wall clock, a pot plant, a family photo, a kitchen, a bathroom, a plazma TV-set, a lavatory, a hall, a Music Center, upper-lights, a pantry.

*The time is up. Let’s check up.

  1. a storey
  2. a brick wall
  3. a tiled roof
  4. an arched window
  5. a front door
  6. a chimney
  7. a garage
  8. a bedroom
  9. a sitting–room
  10. a nursery
  11. a study
  12. a dining-room
  13. a kitchen
  14. a bathroom
  15. a lavatory
  16. a hall
  17. a pantry
  1. wall-paper
  2. parquet
  3. a false ceiling
  4. a curtain
  5. an oak coffee-table
  6. a sofa
  7. a leather armchair
  8. a fireplace
  9. a fitted carpet
  10. a built-in wallunit
  11. a cushion
  12. a wall clock
  13. a pot plant
  14. a family photo
  15. a plazma TV-set
  16. a Music Center
  17. upper-lights

Работа над проектом.

- совершенствовать речевые навыки и умения монологической речи;

- воспитывать у студентов при разговоре на иностранном языке умение внимательно слушать собеседника

*And now the architects of the Company suggest you making a model of “Your Dream House”.

Use all the words and word combinations you’ve just chosen.

  1. We think our house will be a detached house. So it will have two storeys, grey brick walls, a red tiled roof and a chimney.
  2. In our opinion our house will be light. That’s why it will have five arched windows. Also there will be a nice front door.
  3. We suppose our house will be spacious and comfortable. That’s why it will have such rooms downstairs: a kitchen, a dining-room, a hall, a lavatory and a sitting-room.
  4. Upstairs It will have: a bedroom, a study and a nursery, a hall, a bathroom and a lavatory.

- совершенствовать речевые навыки и умения монологической речи;

- воспитывать у студентов при разговоре на иностранном языке умение внимательно слушать собеседника

Thank you, our ARCHITECTS.

*What a large and modern house we have!

*How many wondeful rooms our Dream House has!

*But we have one more room to create. It is a sitting-room.

And the designers of the Company want you to make a design of “A Sitting-Room of your dream”.

  1. We believe that our sitting-room will be rather cosy. That’s why it will have blue-coloured wall-papers, light-green curtains, parquet.
  2. We think our sitting-room will be quite warm. So there will be a fireplace, a red-brown carpet, a plazma TV-set, a wall clock.
  3. We expect our sitting-room to be up-to-date. That’s why there will be two light green leather armchairs and a sofa, an oak coffee-table and two chairs.

- подвести итог проведенной работы

*Good for you! The work has been done! You’ve costructed “YOUR DREAM HOUSE”.

*Do you like it? (Yes, we do. It is so delightful!)

* Yes, you are right, there is no place more delightful than home!

*A house,once constructed, becomes a valuable family assent. Because we connect many pleasant things with our home.

Воспитательные, развивающие и образовательные цели достигаются через практическую цель.

Задачи, за счет решения которых обеспечивается достижение основной практической цели:

Ожидаемый учебный результат

  • Данный урок обеспечивает формирование личностных, метапредметных и предметных результатов.

Планируемыми личностными результатами являются:

  • Формирование умений употреблять изученную лексику в устной речи,формирование осознанного, уважительного и доброжелательного отношения к другому человеку.
  • формирование коммуникативной компетентности в общении и сотрудничестве со сверстниками и взрослыми, в межкультурной и межэтнической коммуникации

Планируемыми метапредметными результатами являются:

  • Формирование и развитие навыков работы с интерактивной доской
  • Формирование навыков работы в парах
  • Освоение универсальных учебных действий (УУД)
    • умение самостоятельно ставить учебные и познавательные задачи (определять цели и задачи урока), исходя из поставленной учителем проблемной ситуации
    • овладение основами принятия решений и осуществления осознанного выбора в учебной деятельности, владение основами рефлексии
    • умение находить необходимую информацию, строить логическое рассуждение, умозаключение и выводы
    • умение использовать разные источники информации
    • развитие коммуникативной компетенции, включая умение взаимодействовать с окружающими.
    • осуществление регулятивных действий самонаблюдения, самоконтроля

    Планируемыми предметными результатами являются:

    в коммуникативной сфере

    в говорении:

    в аудировании:

    • воспринимать на слух и полностью понимать речь учителя, одноклассников
    • умение извлекать нужную информацию

    в чтении:

    Языковая компетенция:

    Ход урока

    1. Целеполагание

    На экране слайд с картинками о Новой Зеландии.

    T: What country are we going to speak today?

    St: New Zealand

    T: What do you know about NZ?

    St: различные ответы

    Т: Can you fill in the gaps in the Fact File about New Zealand?

    (Учащиеся получают листки для заполнения пропусков)

    Fact File about New Zealand

    General facts

    1. The flag is ------------------in colour. You can see the --------- flag and --------- stars on it.
    2. The original people are called -------------
    3. The official languages are -------- and ----------.
    4. The national symbol is the ---------- bird.
    5. New Zealand is the same size as -------- or ---------------.
    6. New Zealand is an --------------------- country.


    1. The capital city is --------------
    2. New Zealand is in the --------- Ocean.
    3. It isn’t far from ------------.
    4. New Zealand has ---------- big islands.
    5. They are called ----------------------------.
    6. There are ------------ and -------------in New Zealand.


    1. In ----------- the first European arrived in New Zealand.
    2. He was from the------------- and his name was ---------.
    3. In 1769 -------------------- arrived in New Zealand.
    4. He was from -------------.
    5. In 1840 New Zealand became a ---------

    Учащимся не известна большая часть информации.

    T: So, our goal is….

    ST: learn the facts about NZ (suggested answer)

    2. Критерии оценки работы на уроке

    T: How can we check that we’ve reached the goal?

    At the end of our lesson you are going to take individual tests and get marks for the lesson.

    3. Планирование

    T: How can we learn about NZ? How do we usually get information?

    Where can you get information? Remember your history and geography lessons?

    Различные ответы учащихся.


    So, our plan is
    studying a map
    reading a text
    listening to a radio programme

    4. Актуализация лексики

    T: Before we start working with the sources of information let’s remember some words. Match the English words with their Russian translation (фронтальная работа)

    d. такой же, как \ одинаковый

    5. Работа с картинками (физическая карта и флаг Новой Зеландии)

    T: Study the map of NZ. Try to fill in as many blanks as you can.

    Работа в парах

    T: now, swap your files, look at the screen and check your classmates work.

    Ответы на экране.


    1. The capital city is Wellington
    2. New Zealand is in the Pacific Ocean.
    3. It isn’t far from Australia.
    4. New Zealand has two big islands.
    5. They are called North Island and South Island.
    T: Study the flag of NZ. Try to fill in as many blanks as you can.

    Работа в парах

    T: now, swap your files, look at the screen and check your classmates work.

    Ответы на экране.

    General facts

    1. The flag is blue, white and ____ in colour. You can see the British flag and ___ red stars on it.

    6. Работа с тестом в учебнике. (Gateway А2, Student’s Book,Unit 2, page 30)

    - Найти ошибки в тексте, используя карту и прослушав аудио запись радио программы .( Gateway А2, Teacher’s Book,Unit 2, page 44)

    T: Use the map to find mistakes in the text in your Student Book page 30

    Работа в парах.

    Ответы на экране.

    T: Listen to the radio program to find mistakes in the text in your Student Book page

    Работа в парах.

    Ответы на экране

    - Чтение исправленного теста и заполнение всех пропусков.

    T: Use the text to fill all the blanks in your files (work in pairs)

    Работа в парах.

    Ответы на экране

    General fact

    1. The flag is blue, white and red in colour. You can see the British flag and four red stars on it.
    2. The original people are called Maori
    3. The official languages are English and Maori.
    4. The national symbol is the kiwi bird.
    5. New Zealand is the same size as Italy or the United Kingdom.
    6. New Zealand is an independent country.


    1. In 1642 the first European arrived in New Zealand.
    2. He was from the Netherlands and his name was Abel Tasman.
    3. In 1769 Captain Cook arrived in New Zealand.
    4. He was from Britain.
    5. In 1840 New Zealand became a British colony

    7. Говорение.

    T: Look at the picture and be ready to speak about NZ. (слайд в начале урока)
    Students take turns to make sentences about NZ

    8. Оценивание работы на уроке. Индивидуальные тесты.

    Взаимопроверка по ключам на экране и выставление оценок по критериям (представлены в начале урока)


    1. The flag of New Zealand is blue, white and red/ green, white and blue in colour.
    2. The original people are called Maori/English
    3. The official languages are Maori and French /English and Maori.
    4. The national flag/ symbol is the kiwi bird.
    5. New Zealand is an independent colony/country now.
    6.The capital island/city is Wellington
    8.New Zealand is in the Pacific /Atlantic Ocean.
    9. It isn’t far from Africa/ Australia
    10. New Zealand has two/three big islands.
    11. They are called North Island and Spanish/South Island.
    12. Abel Tasman/ Captain Cook was the first European to see New Zealand.
    13. Captain Cook was from the Netherlands/ Britain.
    14. New Zealand was a British symbol/colony.

    9. Рефлексия.

    Т: Remember our lesson. Where and how can you get information about a country?

    Т: Remember our first slide. What information about New Zealand do they associate with?

    10. Домашнее задание (на выбор).

    - make a poster about NZ
    - be ready to speak about the most interesting facts
    - make a quiz about NZ

    11. Перспективы.

    T: Next time we are going to speak about sport and culture in New Zealand

    • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
    • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

    Открытый урок в 6 классе.

    Тип урока: урок усвоения новых знаний.

    Организационный момент. ( настрой на атмосферу иноязычного общения)

    Приветствие учащихся с использованием речевых клише.

    - Good morning my dear friends, sit down? Please!

    - What date is it today? Look out of the window, what can you say about today’s weather? What season is it? Do you like spring? What other seasons do you like? Why? What do you usually do when you have free time? Do you like reading books? Have you ever heard about Pamela Travers ? You know, our lesson is a bit unusual today. We’ ve slightly changed the form of the lesson. And now I want to introduce you our today’s guest. Let’s meet her.

    ( Мэрри рассказывает свою историю)

    Этап целеполагания и мотивации.

    Can you name the theme of our lesson today? What are we going to talk about? Jobs around the house.

    Открываем презентацию . What do the people usually do at home? What are their chores? ( читаем со слайда )

    Аудирование. Развитие фонематического слуха.

    Open your Student’s books on p. 29 ex. 1a Listen and repeat after the speaker. Ex. 1b. ( insert the missing words)

    Развитие навыков письменной речи.

    To do the following task I need a representative from each group. Come up to me and I’ll give you an assignment. Look at these phrases . Some of the letters in them are missing. You should insert appropriate letters into the words.

    Now I need to members of your group to do the following task. You should write as many words as possible on theme Jobs around the house. But you are pressed for time. You have only 30 seconds . ( раздать листы для выполнения задания). ( вывешиваем на доску, проверяем).

    Фонетическая разминка. Are you tired ? Let’s have a rest! Let’s sing a song with. First Listen and then sing together. ( слушаем и поем)

    Развитие навыков говорения.

    Now you are going to conduct a survey. You’ ll ask each other 9 questions. To answer the questions use the following words: always, sometimes, or never. ( Now it’s time to announce the results) . The score is…..

    The best mother’s helpers are…………..

    Развитие навыков письменной речи . I’ve got a letter from my friend Anna. She is not good at English and she has done some mistakes. I want you to correct them. ( You will work in groups) You have three minutes.

    Развитие навыков монологической речи

    The final work for today. Tell us about household chores in your family. You may use this sheet of paper as a plan.

    Рефлексия . Our lesson has come to the end. I’m so interested in your impressions about the lesson and about your work at the lesson.

    You will come up to the blackboard with green or red smile. You should asses the lesson and your work at the lesson. If you are satisfiered with the lesson and your work hang green smile if you don’t hang red one.

    Итоговый этап урока. Домашнее задание.

    Homework. Write an e-mail letter to Marry. Tell her about your job around the house.

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    ВОЛКОВЫСК 2010

    Количество уроков: 6

    Место урока в изучаемой теме: 6

    Цель урока: Формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся в рамках обозначенной темы.

    Задачи урока:

    способствовать развитию умений монологической и диалогической речи в рамках данного урока;

    способствовать развитию умений восприятия и понимания иноязычной речи на слух;

    способствовать развитию аудитивных навыков.

    систематизировать и закрепить пройденный материал по теме;

    способствовать овладению речевыми навыками.

    Развивать внимание, память;

    Развивать умения строить логическое высказывание.

    Создать условия для развития творческого потенциала детей и воспитания эстетического вкуса.

    Тип урока: обобщение и систематизация изученного материала.

    Форма проведения: урок-игра.

    Технология: коммуникативная с элементами технологии проектов.

    Методы обучения: словесный, репродуктивный, наглядный, проблемный.

    Формы работы: фронтальная, групповая, работа в парах.

    Оборудование: компьютер, мультимедийная установка, аудиозапись диалога, карточки с заданиями, кукла Барби, набор игрушечной мебели.

    Используемая литература

    Дубровский Василий Владимирович

    Бергмане Наталья Евгеньевна, учитель английского языка первой категории, стаж работы 10 лет.

    Организация начала урока.(1.5 мин.)

    Задача этапа: подготовить учащихся к работе.

    T: -Good morning, children!

    Cl: -Good morning, good morning,

    Good morning to you,

    Good morning, our teacher,

    We are glad to see you!

    T: -I am also glad to see you. Sit down, please. How are you today?

    P1: -I’m fine, thank you.

    T: -And you, Nikita?

    P3: - And what about you?

    T: - Oh, I’m also OK, thank you.

    Введение в языковую ситуацию.(3.5 мин.)

    T: We have to do a lot today. First of all let’s play a little. This game will help you to guess the topic of the lesson. It is “Noughts & Crosses”. Let’s divide you into 2 teams. One team is “Noughts”& the other is “Crosses”. You make sentences with the words in the boxes &I put a nought or a cross in the corresponding box. If one of the teams has “won” 3 boxes in a line, they are the winners. Is it clear?

    Примерные ответы учащихся:

    P5: - There is a bedroom in my flat.

    P2: - There is a fridge in the kitchen.

    P1: - There are chairs in the kitchen.

    P3: - There are armchairs in the hall, etc.

    T: - So can you guess the topic of our lesson?

    P4: - I think we are going to speak about our houses and flats.

    T: - Yes, you are right. The topic of our lesson is “My House”.

    Задача этапа: тренировка навыков восприятия устной речи на слух.

    T: You know I have found a letter for you. But I don’t know who this letter is from. And it is unusual. We can not only read it but watch it too. Are you ready? Listen to it very attentively & be ready to answer the following question: who is this letter from? (Презентация)

    Дети смотрят презентацию и отвечают на поставленный вопрос.

    P1: - I think it is from Barbie.

    T: - Yes, you are right.

    Тренировка в аудировании с детальным пониманием услышанного (5 мин.).

    Задача этапа: способствовать развитию навыков восприятия устной речи на слух.

    T: Now let’s listen to the letter once more & after listening be ready to answer my

    questions. (Учащиеся получают карточки с вопросами, после прослушивания письма от Барби зачитывают вопросы и на них отвечают).

    -How many rooms are there in Barbie’s house?

    P2: - There are 3 rooms in her house.

    -What kind of rooms are they?

    P4: - They are two bedrooms and a living room.

    -What can we see in her living room?

    P1: - We can see a sofa in the living room.

    P2: - We can also see 2 armchairs & a TV-set in this room.

    P4: - We can see a video & a carpet in her room.

    -Is there a fireplace in her living room?

    P3: - No, there isn’t. There isn’t a fireplace in her living room.

    Задача этапа: создать условия для совершенствования навыков устной речи.

    T: - So, Barbie is going to visit Belarus. Let’s prepare a cosy room for her. Imagine yourselves you are famous designers. Suggest your own projects for Barbie.

    Ученики защищают свои проекты.

    Примерные ответы учащихся:

    P2: - I want to tell you about this room. It is a living room. It is very big. Barbie can have dinner, supper & tea in this room. There is a big table, some chairs & armchairs in it. There is a carpet on the floor. It makes the room comfortable.

    P4: - My house is very big. There are 4 rooms in it. And Barbie can live in this room.It is my room. It is not big but it is cosy. There are blue curtains on the window. Under the window there is a green armchair. In front of the armchair there is a small table. There is a vase on the table. There is a TV-set in the corner.

    We have done a lot. And you are very tired I see. Now let’s have a rest. Look at the

    Работа в группах , выполнение упражнений(5мин. ).

    Задача этапа: создать условия для развития умения строить вопросительные и повествовательные предложения.

    T: - All your projects were wonderful. But let’s see Barbie’s choice. (Отодвинув ширму, дети рассматривают комнату Барби).

    T: -Do you like it? If you want to visit it, you should do some tasks. Who will be the first he may visit & describe the room (учащиеся делятся на группы и выполняют полученные задания).

    Group1. a) The living room/ there’s/ in/a sofa/.

    b) The bedroom/ there/ in/ are/ beds/ two/?

    Group2. a) in/isn’t/the kitchen/ there/ a mirror/.

    b) A lamp/ there/ is/ room/in/ your/?

    Group3. a) Aren’t/ any cupboards/ in/ there/the hall/.

    b) are/wardrobes/ the hall/ there/ in/ two/.

    Описание комнаты Барби (2 мин.).

    Задача этапа: описать комнату Барби

    T: So you may visit Barbie’s room & describe it for us (2 ученика описывают эту комнату).

    P1: - It is not a very big room. I think it is a bedroom. There is a bed, 2 armchairs, a small table in the room. There is a beautiful carpet on the floor. There is a mirror on the wall. We can also see a TV- set & a video in this room. Barbie is sitting in the armchair & reading an interesting book.

    Задача этапа: прослушать диалог и ответить на поставленный вопрос

    T: You see that our guest will live in a big comfortable room. And now let’s speak

    about your flats or where you would like to live. But before it let’s listen to one conversation. Mr. Bell wants to buy a house. He has read an advertisement. He is phoning to the house owner. Listen to the text & answer the question: Is the garden big or small? (Ученики слушают разговор и отвечают на поставленный вопрос)

    P5: - The garden is small.

    P3: - But it is very beautiful.

    Чтение диалога по ролям.

    Задача этапа: совершенствовать навыки чтения и перевода, инсценировать диалог.

    Now open your PB at page 55 & find ex.7. Let’s role play the conversation & translate it (дети инсценируют и переводят диалог).

    Составление диалога с опорами.

    Задача этапа: активизация изученной ранее лексики по теме в диалогической речи.

    T: Do you want to live in a big house?

    P1: - Yes, I do. I want to live in a big house because our family is large.

    P2: - Yes, I do. I dream to live in a very big house with a beautiful garden.

    T: - Imagine you are very rich businessmen & businesswomen. You’d like to buy a

    house. You have read an advertisement & are phoning to the house owner. You may use these questions.

    -How many bedrooms are there in your house?

    -How many bathrooms are there in your house?

    -Is there a garden near your house?

    -Is there a big kitchen in your house?

    Учащиеся составляют диалоги и инсценируют их (см. приложение 2).

    Задача этапа: объяснить домашнее задание, подготовить учащихся к успешному выполнению домашнего задания.

    T: - You may choose your home task.

    If you want to get “5-6”, you should do ex.9 at page 65 and make up sentences;

    If you want to get “7-8”, you should make up the dialogue as in ex.7 at page 55 by analogy;

    If you want to get “9-10”, make up your own dialogue. Imagine your dream may become true and you can buy your dream house. You should only dial this number: 6874389.

    Задача этапа: содействовать развитию рефлексивных навыков, оценить деятельность учащихся.

    T: -What have you learnt? What did you like about our lesson?

    P2: I’ve learnt how to make up dialogues.

    P3: I’ve learnt about houses in England.

    P4: I liked to describe Barbie’s room.

    T: - Do you like our lesson?

    If you like the lesson, take a face with a smile, if you don’t like-without a smile.

    Ученики выказывают свое отношение к уроку, выбрав смайлик с улыбкой или без нее.

    T: - You worked hard today. I think you saw that during the lesson you got some pictures with marks on them. Look at them and you’ll see your mark for the lesson.

    Jefferson George

    Jefferson George

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    УМК Gateway A2 [Macmillan]

    > Gateway A2. Student's Book.2nd edition. David Spencer
    > Gateway A2. Workbook. 2nd edition. Annie Cornford, Lynda Edwards
    > Gateway A2. Teacher's book. Anna Cole

    The Gateway 2nd Edition A2 Student's Book Pack contains a strong exams focus and promotes exams task familiarisation throughout.

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