Конспект урока спотлайт 10 tropical rainforest

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

Познавательные - знакомство с особенностями и проблемами тропических лесов; расширение кругозора учащихся.

Развивающие - развитие творческих способностей учащихся, приобретение навыков групповой работы.

Воспитательные - формирование потребности и способности к сотрудничеству и взаимопомощи при работе в группах, воспитание уважительного отношения к окружающей среде.

УМК "Spotlight" 10 класс, аудиопроигрыватель, раздаточный материал: таблица № 1(см. раздаточный материал), текст №2, карточки с новыми словами; запись с пением тропических птиц, ватман, фломастеры.

1. Приветствие. Речевая разминка. (2мин)

Учитель приветствует учащихся и спрашивает о погоде и влиянии снега на экологию.

Учитель:What is the weather like today? Is it snowing today? Is snow good for our ecology and environment? Why is it so good?

2. Формулирование темы. (3 мин)

Учитель включает запись с пением тропических птиц и предлагает учащимся отгадать, о чём пойдет речь на уроке. (упр.1стр 77)

Учитель:Today we are going on talking about environment and ecology but I won't tell you the topic of our lesson I want you to guess it.

-Listen to the disk and tell me, please, what sounds you hear. What can you see? What can you feel? Where is this place? (слушают запись)

Учащиеся высказывают свои догадки и объясняют, почему так думают.

Учитель:Great! Tropical rainforests! It is our topic for today!

3. Изучение нового материала. (5мин)

Учитель объясняет учащимся, что сегодня они представители организации по защите окружающей среды и им необходимо выполнить несколько заданий, первое из которых правильно составить документ о тропических лесах, который поможет ознакомить широкую общественность с проблемами этих лесов.

Учитель: Well, you see, today you are not just the students of this school. All of you are highly qualified specialists and members of the environmental organisation "Save our planet". We are here to protect and save rare species. (учитель раздает учащимся карточки с их новыми именами (раздаточный материал №1))

- First, let me introduce you to each other. So meet…. (называет имя и должность ) .(или Lets greet…)

- Our headquarters want us to perform some of their tasks and to prove that we are the best team. I believe, we won't let them down.

Прежде чем приступить к работе с текстом учитель предлагает ознакомиться с новыми словами (выделенными в тексте(раздаточный материал № 2)) и показывает карточки со словами, чётко произносит слово, просит повторить слово, а затем предлагает догадаться о его значении. Как только перевод слова озвучен, учитель задаёт учащимся вопросы побуждая их в ответе использовать новый лексический материал.

-The first task for today is to compose an information document. But before you start let's study some words that will help you in your work. (изучаем слова)

4. Развитие навыка(10мин)

Учитель: Here is the document. There are no headings and you are to match headings and paragraphs.

После выполнения задания отвечают на вопросы учителя по тексту.

Учитель: Now open your books and find ex. 3p. 77. Read the questions and find the answers in the text. (изучающее чтение)

5. Закрепление материала.(10мин)

Учитель предлагает подготовить мини-кампанию по спасению тропических лесов. Учащиеся готовят выступления в группах по 4 человека под фоновое пение тропических птиц.

Учитель: We have one more task for today. We are to create a video that will attract more people to the problem of the rainforest. Here are the cards with the task.( на карточках написано, что учащиеся должны создать постер и придумать лозунги в защиту тропических лесов). I hope you will be creative.

6. Подведение итогов. Рефлексия.(15мин)

Раздаточный материал №1


This curious and brave person is always in the most hot spots of the world


He is not only a highly respected specialist but also the best diver in the world

Dr. Breathe CHEMIST

Mendeleev didn't know the things that Dr. Breathe knows. This patient and intelligent man knows everything about substances


Every Hollywood star and every creature wants this man to take their photo.


This highly qualified person can consult you about every gene , however, she is also crazy on extreme sports

This courageous officer is always ready to protect you and our nature.

This lady sings as a bird, flies as a bird in her helicopter and

every book on birds is edited by her

Dr. Acting is the best to protect rare species and to raise money

Who is it that everybody listens to but nobody believes? The weatherman. But we believe Dr. Weather.

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

Урок английского языка

Учебник : “Spotlight 10” Virginia Evans, Olga Afanasyeva

Цели урока : развитие социокультурной компетенции; формирование

коммуникативной компетенции; формирование информационно-коммуникационной

Оснащение урока:

УМК “ Spotlight ” 10 класс, видео Tropical Rainforests , аудиозапись, интерактивная доска, презентация, раздаточный материал: таблица № 1(см. раздаточный материал), текст №2, карточки с новыми словами; запись с пением тропических птиц, ватман, фломастеры.

1. Приветствие. Речевая разминка. (2мин )

Учитель приветствует учащихся и спрашивает о погоде и влиянии снега на экологию.

Учитель :What is the weather like today? Is it snowing today? Is snow good for our ecology and environment? Why is it so good? First of all snow cleans the air we breathe. It absorbs the smallest dirty particles from the air. Snow protects the soil from freezing and keeps plants. Snow is a reality of Russian life but at the previous lesson we spoke about Australia and the Great Barrier Reef.

2. Проверка домашнего задания .

The questions were given for you and your home task was to find the answers using the Internet resources. So let’s check up and have a talk about the Great Barrier Reef.

- What is the Great Barrier Reef for our Earth?

- Where does the Great Barrier Reef lie?

- When was the Great Barrier Reef formed?

- Who discovered the Great Barrier Reef?

- How many fish live in the Great Barrier Reef?

- Why is the Great Barrier Reef dying?

- How to protect the Great Barrier Reef?

3. Формулирование темы. (3 мин)

Our today’s lesson is devoted to another aspect of ecology.

Учитель включает запись с пением тропических птиц и предлагает учащимся отгадать, о чём пойдет речь на уроке. ( упр .1 стр 77)

Учитель :Today we are going on talking about environment and ecology but I won’t tell you the topic of our lesson I want you to guess it.

-Listen to the disk and tell me, please, what sounds you hear. What can you see? What can you feel? Where is this place ? (слушают запись)

Учащиеся высказывают свои догадки и объясняют, почему так думают.

Учитель :Great! Tropical rainforests! It is our topic for today!

Open your exercise – books and write down the theme (the title) of our lesson. Now you’ll see the video “Tropical Rainforests”. During watching the video you should read the text silent and make notes, containing the main facts about tropical rainforests. But before watching and reading look at your sheets of paper and read the words and expressions.

4. Изучение нового материала. (Введение и тренировка лексики).

5. How do you think this phrase is related to tropical rainforests?

Look at the blackboard. Match the phrase and it’s meaning

6. Развитие навыков изучающего чтения .

Watch video, read the text silent and make notes in your sheets collecting information about tropical rainforests.

Was the task difficult for you? Could you follow the video?

Учитель объясняет учащимся, что сегодня они представители организации по защите окружающей среды и им необходимо выполнить несколько заданий.

Учитель : Well, you see, today you are not just the students of this school. All of you are highly qualified specialists and members of the environmental organization “Save our planet”. We are here to protect and save rare species . (учитель раздает учащимся карточки с их новыми именами (раздаточный материал №1)

8. Закрепление материала

Ex.1, 2 p. 77

А ) Now the task for the students of the third row.

You will work in pairs and ask 2 questions about the tropical forests.

В ) The task for two students at the last desks.

Use the text of the book, your notes from the video and prepare a two – minute presentation for your class about rainforests. The text and questions will help you.

С ) The task for two groups of students . Use these things and prepare a poster for the class entitled “Save the Rainforests”

9. Подведение итогов. Рефлексия.

This is our knowledge rucksack. Write a word or phrase which you have learned and remember from today’s lesson.

What words do you remember from the lesson?

What have you learned at the lesson?

What did you like at the lesson?

10. Объяснение домашнего задания .

Prepare a 2-3 minute presentation about tropical rainforests (oral speech)

Видео Tropical Rainforests

Текст к видео

Spanning from both sides of the Equator between the tropics of Cancer and Caprico г n there are tropical rainforests.

Under the Sun’s most direct rays, these forests are thriving in the year – round high temperatures and abundant precipitation.

These forests harbor about half of all species on Earth.

Rain forests had once covered over 14% of the Earth’s land surface, but had rapidly decreased down to covering about 6%.

Humans continue to clear the natural landscape.

We create room for croplands and pastures, harvest timber, dig mines and build roads.

Many predict that if current deforestation rates continue….the tropical rainforests will cease to exist within the next few decades.

Tropical rainforests contain more species than any other ecosystem as well as many endemic, unique species.

The destruction of the rain forest leads to the extinction of many of these species.

An estimated 137 species are lost every day .

Deforestation also leads to the displacement of native communities and indigenous cultures.

The trees in the tropical rainforests contain more than 10 years worth of carbon emission due to human production and produce about 40% of the world’s oxygen.

Clearing these forests releases all the stored carbon back into the atmosphere.

We no longer have as many organisms replenishing oxygen.

This makes deforestation a source of atmospheric carbon and a contributor to global warming.

It’s important that we are educated about the destruction of our rain forests to preserve these places of amazing diversity and productivity.

Словарь к тексту:

To span – охватывать, перекрывать

Spanning from both sides of the Equator

The tropics of Cancer and Capricorn – тропики Рак и Козерог

To thrive – бурно разрастаться

Abundant precipitation – обильные осадки

To harbour – предоставлять убежище

Croplands – пахотные поля

To harvest timber – заготавливать древесину

To cease – прекращать

Endemic – свойственный данной местности

an estimated – по оценкам

native communities – коренные жители

indigenous cultures – культуры коренных народов

carbon emission – выбросы углекислого газа

to release – выпускать

to replenish – наполнять заново

contributor – участник, помощник

educated about the destruction – осведомлены об уничтожении

to preserve these places of amazing diversity and productivity – чтобы сохранить эти места удивительного разнообразия и продуктивности

Match each heading (1-5) to the paragraphs (A-E). One heading is extra.

What can we do to save them?

Why are they important?

Why are they in danger?

What tribes ( племена ) live in the rainforests?

What are tropical rainforests?

What grows there?

Tropical rainforests grow in the hot, wet, humid places near the Equator. The plants and trees in the rainforest grow to different height s. The forest can be divided into four layers ( ярус ) : the forest floor, the understorey( подлесок ) , the canopy( поросль ) and the emergent( верхушки ) (layer of larger trees which stick out above all the rest).

They are important for various reasons. Firstly, they clean and renew the Earth's air supply by absorb ing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen . Secondly, they provide a home to thousands of animal and plant species.

South American rainforests are the home of the wild cocoa plant, from which chocolate is made. The medicines quinine ( хинин ) and aspirin come from tree bark and cough mixture is from tree resin, both found in rainforests. Some other important products that come from rainforest plants are mah o gany wood( красное дерево ), rattan( ротанг ( пальма )), bananas, paprika, pepper and coffee.

People are destroying the rainforests at a rate of 115 square miles a day. The trees are cut down and used as building material or fuel . The land on which these forests grow is being used for homes and factories and roads.

There are lots of things that we can do to help protect the rainforests. Join an organization which tries to save the rainforests, like Greenpeace. Write letters to politicians in countries where there are rainforests, asking them to stop allow ing companies to cut down the trees. Don't buy furniture which is produced from rainforest wood. By acting together, we can really make a difference!

Разработка урока включает: коллаж в качестве образца; описание хода урока и раздатчный материал для работы в творческих группах.

Содержимое разработки

Стихотворение о тропических лесах

Let’s save amazing forest!

You see the wonderful things

Because it’s place for rest

Like an exotic bird sings!

For animals and birds.

Let’s save the tropical forest!

And no extra words!

Because it’s best for the rest.

It’s the best place for the rest

In amazing rainforest!

You see exotic animals and birds,

And no extra words!

"He who plants a tree loves others beside himself."

“Do not call the forest that shelters you a jungle“.

“A brave heart and a courteous tongue. They shall carry thee far through the jungle, manling.”
Rudyard Kipling

Criteria for evaluating the collage:

1. Reflection of the topic.

3. Presentation of collage (poem, speaking).

The Plan of the Presentation

Recite the poem.

Say the facts about the rainforests.

Conclude with the saying.

People and rainforest

In some tropical forests there are tribes that do not know other life. But life in a forest is full of dangers. They are well adapted and have all the necessary knowledge: they know how to avoid encounters with predators, they know which plants to eat, how to hunt properly.

The rainforest is a very special forest.

In such a forest is always very humid and warm. It is very dense in it, often intertwining with each other trees and other plants grow. Because of this, it is almost impossible to navigate through the rainforest. And due to the fact that there are a lot of plants and they all strive to break through to the sun, there is always twilight in the tropical forest.

Why is there always humid air in a tropical forest?

Because in tropical forests it rains very often or almost every day. For the year there falls about 2 meters of rain. It is almost 4 cm per week.

In addition, there is almost no soil in tropical forests and the water has nowhere to soak. Therefore, it remains on the surface. And since the air is quite warm, the water evaporates.

Ход урока в 10А классе по теме: Тропические леса.

Listen to the sounds and guess the theme of our lesson. Say what will be the theme of our lesson? So the theme of the lesson: Tropical rainforests: (написать на доске).

Say what will be the aim and the tasks of our lesson according to the theme?

So, the aim is to explore tropical rainforests.

To learn the words and phrases;

To review the facts;

To discuss different topics;

To practice in listening, reading, discussing, etc

To make up a collage (написать на доске).

Речевая зарядка.

First, open the textbooks at p.77. Find the new words and their translation. Read them.

Listen to the texts and answer the questions before them.

Look through the texts and complete the sentences:

The forest can be divided into…

They provide a home to…

…are the home of the wild…

The trees are cut down…

By acting together,…

Pick up synonyms:

allow - let

canopy - new growth

emergent - tree crowns

divide - sort

atmosphere - environment

Choose the right explanation of the words:

the Equator - An imaginary line running around the globe at an equal distance from both poles and dividing the globe (or the celestial sphere) into the northern and southern hemispheres.

Humid climate -Climate of tropical rain forests distributed in equatorial latitudes

Understory - Shrubs and small trees that do not reach the level of the crowns of the main tree species of forest.

And now a rest – pause. Listen and relax.

Work in groups: Divide into 3 groups:

Task 1: Маке ир a poem, glue it, learn and recite.

Task 2: Маке ир a collage using the matirial.

Task 3: Present the collage using the plan. – 15 minutes for you.

6. Рефлексия (выполнение задач урока). Оценивание (взаимооценивание работы групп).

Анискова Галина Владимировна

Презентация выполнена ученицей 10 Б класса Лебедевой Кристиной по теме урока: "Тропические леса" (4 модуль курса "Spotlight 10").

tropicheskie_lesa.pptx 547.26 КБ
Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

The weather in the tropics is very hot and wet. The trees in the rain forest grow very tall. There are lots of different kinds of trees. Some trees are seventy meters tall. The floor of the rain forest is quite dark. There are a lot of dead leaves there, but not many green plants. The leaves at the top of the trees are very thick. They make a canopy. Smaller plants, like orchids, live on the tree trunks in the canopy. Smaller plants and new trees grow by the side of the rivers. When a tree falls down, new plants can grow in the space. Once there were a lot of rain forests. Now there aren‘t many. They are disappearing quickly. dead – сухие f loor – нижний ярус леса, земля a t the top – на верхушках canopy – полог, верхний ярус леса b y the side of the rivers – по берегам рек

canopy orchids f allen tree floor What do you know about rain forests?

There are lots of beautiful birds in the rain forest. They are in danger because people sometimes c atch them and sell them for pets .

Leopards are very beautiful. They are in danger because some people kill them for their fur. fur – мех kill - убивать

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