Дольмены на английском языке доклад

Обновлено: 08.07.2024

Слово это не имеет отношения к назначению, но и особой формы строительства дольмены, может быть истолковано как кабельное много, здание или карьере башни карьере.

The word is not concerned with the destination, but the special form of construction of the dolmen, be construed so as Cable lot, building or tower quarry quarry.

Некоторые же дольмены Кавказа вообще сделаны в скале, а не из отдельных плит - будто выпилены внутри огромного камня, и на нем не сохранилось явных следов обработки инструментами.

Some of the same Caucasian dolmens are generally made in the rock, and not from individual plates - if sawed inside a huge stone, and it was not kept clear traces of processing tools.

И дольмены, и замки как раз и являются подлинной историей Ирландии, которая была бы интересна абсолютно любому туристу, посетившему эту страну, но, благодаря туристическим агенствам, туристы видят только то, что им показывают.

And dolmens and castles are just the true story of Ireland, which would have been interesting to absolutely any tourists who visited the country, but due to travel agencies, tourists see only what they show.

Каменные ящики дольмены, каменные столбы менгиры, каменные комплексы из глыб, уложенных кругами кромлехи: это разные виды мегалитов, и это древнейшие материальные свидетельства коллективной человеческой деятельности.

Stone boxes dolmens, menhirs stone pillars, stone complexes of blocks stacked circles cromlechs: these are different kinds of megaliths, and is the earliest physical evidence of collective human activity.

And in order to understand how the Crimean and Caucasian regions intersect in an area of ancient construction techniques and see how looked disappeared Crimean dolmens, we went by way of the Argonauts - to the northern shores of Colchis.

На архипелаге выявлено множество различных археологических памятников, самые древние из которых относятся к 2-3-му тысячелетиям до н.э.: это стоянки первобытного человека, каменные лабиринты, курганы-могильники, дольмены.

On the Archipelago great number of various archaeological monuments was found, the most ancient of which are dated to the 2nd or 3rd thousand years B.C.: they are early man sites, rock labyrinths, kurgans-burial grounds, dolmens.

In the English archaeological literature, the term is outdated and is used for tombs, the original design of which can not be determined, or special types not included in the category of gallery or corridor tombs. In French, the term is still popular. In Portugal, the dolmens are usually called \"anta\" in Scandinavia - \"d\u0451s\"; These words are part of the local names of the dolmens.
In Russia, traditionally called dolmens Western Caucasus\u00a0(now and in the Urals), stone tile, composite and monolithic tombs. This also applies to similar facilities in other parts of the world.">]" data-testid="answer_box_list">


The first archaeological works the term was used as a collective name for the megalithic chamber tombs.
In the English archaeological literature, the term is outdated and is used for tombs, the original design of which can not be determined, or special types not included in the category of gallery or corridor tombs. In French, the term is still popular. In Portugal, the dolmens are usually called "anta" in Scandinavia - "dёs"; These words are part of the local names of the dolmens.
In Russia, traditionally called dolmens Western Caucasus (now and in the Urals), stone tile, composite and monolithic tombs. This also applies to similar facilities in other parts of the world.

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a 1. Think of a film you have watched. 2. Make notes for each of the questions in Activity 2. 3. Write your review using the your notes and the model … text. Use some of the words and phrases in bold. Write between 100 and 150 words.​

7 Complete the sentences with the words below. take care throw cut turn plant are save hunt 0. Many wild animals are in danger and we need to help the … m. 1. I think people shouldn't it wild animals. 2. Parents should it of their children. 3. It isn't dark. Can you please it off the light? 4. We shouldn't down trees. We should new trees. 5. Let's keep the planet clean. Let's *** it. 6. Don't*t* the paper to the floor, please.​

Напишите проект на любую из этих трёх тем по плану. Используйте слова по типу besides, more than that, i’m sure that, though, the fact is и тп

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The first archaeological works the term was used as a collective name for the megalithic chamber tombs.

In the English archaeological literature, the term is outdated and is used for tombs, the original design of which can not be determined, or special types not included in the category of gallery or corridor tombs.

In French, the term is still popular.

In Portugal, the dolmens are usually called "anta" in Scandinavia - "dёs" ; These words are part of the local names of the dolmens.

In Russia, traditionally called dolmens Western Caucasus(now and in the Urals), stone tile, composite and monolithic tombs.

This also applies to similar facilities in other parts of the world.

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На этой странице находится вопрос Доклад о дольменах на английском языке?, относящийся к категории Английский язык. По уровню сложности данный вопрос соответствует знаниям учащихся 5 - 9 классов. Здесь вы найдете правильный ответ, сможете обсудить и сверить свой вариант ответа с мнениями пользователями сайта. С помощью автоматического поиска на этой же странице можно найти похожие вопросы и ответы на них в категории Английский язык. Если ответы вызывают сомнение, сформулируйте вопрос иначе. Для этого нажмите кнопку вверху.

Мои родители думают, что я ленивый Потому что я не хочу помогать с домашними делами. Я много говорю и надоедаю, потому что когда я начинаю говорить то это смотртиться, как будто я говорю с человеком кто очень далеко от меня. Однажды я начал говорит..

1. heat, meltes. 2. has, use. 3. - 4. Go, watch. 5. freeze, becomes.

1. don't live 2. Do they go to school? 3. Teaches 4. Have 5. Is 6. Does my brother work in a shop.

I don't live in Moscow street Do they go to school every day? The teacher teaches pupils at school Pete and Kate have a dog Ann is a teacher Does your brother work in a shop.

She is reading a book. She isn't reading a book. Is she reading a book? He is going to school. He isn't going to school. Is he going to school? We are playing in a park. We aren't playing in a park. Are we playing in a park? She is speaking ..

There isn't any milk in the bottle в бутылке нет молока there are not two chairs and one armchair in the sitting room в гостиной нет 2 стульев и 1 кресла.

1. Finished 2. Do 3. Playing 4. See 5. Beating.

Прошлым летом мои родители и я путешествовали поНижнему Новгороду. Нижний Новгород старый город на Волге. Моя сестра Катя, наши родители и я ездили в Нижний Новгород на поезде. Путешествие на поезде комфортнее чем путешествие на самолёте или кораб..

1 Он играет в футбол 2 Они идут домой 3 Мы поет песню 4 Она знает информацию 5 Он живет в Москве 6 Ты водишь машину 7 Они помогают людям 8 Мы имеем сем уроков 9 Он спит в его офисе 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 Другие люди читают интересные книги и говорят о н..

Вчера я с друзьями играл в футбол. Три дня назад я смотрел лигу чемпионов. Сегодня утром я помог маме прибраться дома.

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Work in groups.
a) Find the information about the similar huge stones in Russia or in any other part of the world. Use the Internet.
b) Write a report. Answer the question:
1 . Where can we see the stones?
2 . What do they look like?
3 . Can scientists say who built the stone monument?
4 . What are the theories about how people used it in the past?
c) Share the information with your classmates.


Перевод задания
Работа в группах.
а) Найдите информацию о подобных огромных камнях в России или в любой другой части мира. Используй интернет.
b) Напишите отчет. Ответь на вопрос:
1 . Где мы можем увидеть камни?
2 . Как они выглядят?
3 . Могут ли ученые сказать, кто построил каменный памятник?
4 . Каковы теории о том, как люди использовали его в прошлом?
c) Поделитесь информацией со своими одноклассниками.

The Mysterious Dolmens of the Caucasus
These dolmens cover the Western Caucasus on both sides of the mountain ridge, in an area of approximately 12,000 square kilometres of Russia and Abkhazia. The Caucasian dolmens represent a unique type of prehistoric architecture, built with precisely dressed large stone blocks. The stones were, for example, shaped into 90 −degree angles, to be used as corners, and all of them are punctuated with a portal in the centre of the facade. While round holes are the most common, square ones have also been found. Stone plugs have been found at almost every tomb, and were used to block the portal at the front.
In front of the facade is a court that usually extends out, creating an area where rituals are believed to have taken place. The court is usually outlined by large stone walls, sometimes over a meter high. It is in this area that Bronze and Iron Age pottery has been found, along with human remains, bronze tools, and ornaments made from silver, gold, or precious stones.
The average weight of each structure is from 15 to 30 tons, yet there is not even the slightest trace of a quarry in the Western Caucasus, nor have any paths been found with evidence of heavy loads having been brought to the build site.
According to legend, the houses were built by giants for a race of little people who lived inside them.
The Russians call the megalithic structures dolmens, which means ‘portal tomb’, but despite the name, there is no solid evidence that their original purpose was for burial. Archaeologists put their age at 4000 to 6,000 years old, based on pottery found in the vicinity of the dolmens, as well as human remains, but there is no way to prove whether these were put there much later.

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