Доклад про вулканы на английском языке

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

When a volcano erupts hot gases and liquid rock come up to the surface from inside the earth. The material sometimes slides down mountains as lava or is hurled into the air as ash or small rocks. Volcanoes often destroy the land around them completely. Gases from eruptions can keep sunlight from reaching the earth and darken the sky for years. Volcanoes also build up new islands and mountains and make the soil a good place for crops to grow.

Where are volcanoes located?

The earth’s crust is made up of sections or plates. They always move and at places where they get together they collide or slide on top of each other.

90% of all volcanoes are located around the edges of the Pacific Ocean. The Pacific coasts of Asia, North America and South America form a big circle, which is called the Ring of Fire.

Sometimes volcanoes are found in places where plates move away from each other. In the Atlantic Ocean, for example, a long range of underwater mountains forms the border between two plates. Iceland is a gigantic volcanic island that has come up to the surface from this mountain range.

Other volcanoes form in the centre of plates, where magma comes up from deep inside the earth and breaks through the crust. Such areas, like the Hawaiian Islands, are called hot spots.

How volcanoes are formed

Hot liquid rock, called magma, makes up the inner part of the earth. When it rises to the surface it cools down and sometimes the flow of magma stops in the inner part. In other places, magma unites with gas and creates chambers below the surface of the earth. When the gas pressure gets higher, magma becomes lighter and it spews out of openings, cracks or vents at the surface.

When a volcano erupts three types of material come to the surface: lava, small pieces of rock or ash, and gas.

Magma that spreads out of a volcano slowly is called lava. It can reach temperatures of up to 1,200° C and glows red to white when it flows. In most cases, lava mixes with steam and gas. All types of lava contain silicon and oxygen. As lava moves down a volcano’s slope it cools down and becomes harder, creating very rough blocks or rock.

Small pieces of rock erupt from a volcano when magma is trapped inside and cannot get out. Gas pressure in the magma chambers gets high and suddenly material is blown out and thrown high into the sky.

На английском языке Земля – наш дом/ The Earth Is Our Home с .

. лишь наилучшему своему творению – человеку, в любви совершается все прекрасное на Земле…. Сочинение на тему “Любите природу” Сочинение на тему “Любите природу” Что значит, оберегать и любить природу. Все, что . посетить этот дом, поселиться тут. В свою очередь ответственность, простирающаяся на всю планету, является фактором, который может улучшить поведение естественным образом, если видеть .

Often, the pieces of rock are so tiny that they form ash or dust. Strong winds can blow volcanic dust hundreds or thousands of kilometers away from the place of eruption.

Types of volcanoes

The two most common types of volcanoes are stratovolcanoes and shield volcanoes.

Stratovolcanoes are formed like a cone. The base is rather flat and they become steeper towards the peak. A crater usually forms at the top of the volcano. Such volcanoes develop when lava and ash come up from the inner part of the earth and build up layers. First, lava spreads over the surface of the volcano, cools down and becomes hard. Then pressure builds up underneath the layers of lava and ash and other materials are blown out. One of the most famous stratovolcanoes is Mount Fuji in Japan.

Shield volcanoes are dome shaped mountains which are flatter than stratovolcanoes and built of lava flows. They may start on the sea floor and become so large that islands can rise far above sea level. The Hawaiian mountains were formed this way. The islands, which rise about 10,000 meters above the ocean floor, are the world’s most massive volcanoes.

Volcanoes also create holes, called craters and calderas. Calderas are larger than craters and are formed when parts of the volcano collapse. Sometimes these holes are filled with water and form a lake.

Some volcanoes are active. They erupt very often, like Italy’s Mount Etna, which erupts every few years. Inactive volcanoes have not erupted for a long time, but scientists warn that they may become active some day. Extinct volcanoes, like Mount Kenya in Africa, will probably never erupt any more.

Volcano experts do their best to warn the population when a volcano may erupt. Sometimes smaller earthquakes or clouds of gas from vents tell observers that a volcano could erupt soon. Most of the time, however, there are no signs at all.

Effects and benefits of volcanoes

Although volcanoes may cause a lot of damage and big eruptions can kill many people, there are also advantages of volcanic activity.

Volcanic lava and ash spreads over the slopes of mountains and creates good farmland. Volcanic rock is used to build roads, make special tools and ornaments.

The heat that is formed underneath a volcano is called geothermal energy. Hot water that lies below the surface is used to heat homes and greenhouses. Countries with many volcanoes like Japan, Iceland or Italy use this kind of energy to produce electric power.

Рассказ про вулкан на английском , Текст про вулкан на английском

Рассказ про вулкан на английском

A volcano is an opening in the Earth’s crust where hot liquid rock from deep within the Earth, called magma, erupts to the surface.

When rock beneath the Earth’s surface gets really hot, it becomes molten or liquid. While it’s still below the surface, it’s called magma. Once the magma erupts to the surface through a volcano, it’s called lava. The hotter and thinner the lava is, the farther it will flow. Lava can be very hot, sometimes as hot as 1000 degrees C.

Eventually lava on the surface will stop flowing and cool and harden into rocks. Rocks formed from lava cooling are called igneous rocks. Some examples of igneous rocks include basalt and granite.

На английском языке про землетрясение

A volcano can be active, dormant, or extinct. An active volcano is one that has recently erupted or is currently erupting. A dormant volcano is one that hasn’t erupted for a long time, but has the potential to still erupt. An extinct volcano is one that scientists think will never erupt again.

Some kinds of volcanoes just sort of ooze out lava over time. This is generally when the lava is thin. Other volcanoes have thicker lava that can plug up the vent of the volcano. When this happens pressure can build up over a long period of time. When the pressure gets high enough, the volcano can erupt with a huge explosion. Huge amounts of lava and ash can spew from the volcano.

Interesting facts about Volcanoes

  • The tallest volcano we know of in the Solar System is on Mars. It is called Olympus Mons and is 17 miles tall.
  • A large volcano eruption can destroy an entire forest.
  • The largest volcano on earth is Mauna Loa on the Hawaii Big Island. The tallest is Mauna Kea which is right next to it.
  • The ash cloud from volcanoes can be dangerous. It can be harmful for people to breathe and difficult for planes to fly through. A large ash cloud from Eyjafjallajokull, a volcano in Iceland, shut down most of the airports in Europe for several days in 2010.
  • There are generally around 20 volcanoes erupting in the world at any given time.

Сочинение про вулкан на английском с переводом

Вулкан — это отверстие в земной коре, где на поверхность вспыхивает горячая жидкая порода из глубины Земли, называемая магмой.

Когда камень под поверхностью Земли становится действительно горячим, он становится расплавленным или жидким. Пока он еще ниже поверхности, он называется магмой. Когда магма прорывается на поверхность через вулкан, она называется лавой. Чем горячее и тоньше лава, тем дальше она будет течь. Лава может быть очень горячей, иногда такой же горячей, как 1000 градусов по Цельсию.

Со временем лава на поверхности перестанет течь, остынет и затвердеет в камни. Скалы, образованные в результате охлаждения лавы, называются магматическими породами. Некоторые примеры магматических пород включают базальт и гранит.

Вулкан может быть активным, бездействующим или потухшим. Активный вулкан — это тот, который недавно извергся или сейчас извергается. Спящий вулкан — это тот, который не извергался в течение длительного времени, но имеет потенциал, чтобы все еще извергаться. Ученые считают, что потухший вулкан больше никогда не извернется.

Некоторые виды вулканов просто изливают лаву с течением времени. Обычно это когда лава тонкая. У других вулканов есть более толстая лава, которая может закрыть отверстие вулкана. Когда это происходит, давление может нарастать в течение длительного периода времени. Когда давление становится достаточно высоким, вулкан может взорваться с огромным взрывом. Огромное количество лавы и пепла может извергаться из вулкана.

Интересные факты о вулканах

Самый высокий вулкан, который мы знаем в Солнечной системе, находится на Марсе. Он называется Olympus Mons, он достигает 17 миль в высоту.

Большое извержение вулкана может уничтожить целый лес.

Рассказ про наводнение на английском с переводом

Самый большой вулкан на земле — Мауна-Лоа на Большом острове Гавайи. Самым высоким является Мауна Кеа, который находится рядом с ним.

Облако пепла от вулканов может быть опасным. Людям может быть вредно дышать, а самолетам — трудно летать. Большое облако пепла от вулкана Айяфьятлайокудль в Исландии привело к закритию большинство аэропортов Европы на несколько дней в 2010 году.

В любой момент времени в мире извергается около 20 вулканов.

Volcanoes перевод текста

Перевод текста Volcanoes учебника Oxford Primary skills — 6.

There are volcanoes all over the earth. They can be on land, underground, or under the sea. They can be dormant, which means they may erupt again, or they can be extinct, which means they will not erupt again. There are different types of volcanoes and some are more dangerous than others.

Volcanoes перевод текста

Volcanoes become dangerous when they erupt. Volcanoes erupt when red-hot rock, called magma, rises from inside the earth and comes out of the hole in the ground. Some of it flies into the air,along with black ash. You can see this from many kilometres away. When the rock comes out of the hole, it is called lava, and it is so hot it is liquid. It can move across the land. Lava can destroy trees, roads and homes.

When lava cools, it becomes solid rock and forms a mountain shape. These types of volcanoes are called stratovolcanoes, and are the most common type. One of the most famous stratovolcanoes is Mount Vesuvius in Italy. In 79 AD, Mount Vesuvius erupted and completely buried the city of Pompeii. In 1883, a stratovolcano called Krakatau in Indonesia erupted, destroying more than a hundred towns, and causing big changes to the environment and the climate. Mount Vesuvius is dormant and has not erupted since 1944. Krakatau erupted as recently as 2009.

There are also volcanoes under the surface of the sea. These are called submarine volcanoes. If a submarine volcano erupts many times, it grows until it reaches the surface of the sea. The top forms an island. In 1963, fishermen near Iceland were surprised when they saw ash and steam rising from the sea. it was a submarine volcano. It grew and formed an island called Surtsey. The Hawaiian islands, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, were also formed by submarine volcanoes, millions of years ago. Now, they are visited by thousands of tourists every year, even though they are not extinct and could erupt at any time.

Supervolcanoes are much bigger than stratovolcanoes and are underground. They are the most dangerous of all

Вербицкая М. В. Forward. Английский язык для 11 класса. Unit

. to Exercise 2. Which inventions could be really useful and which are a waste of time, do you think? Why? — Слушайте и проверяйте свои . приветствуется любителями кофе и лежебоками во всем мире. A-10. It should not be used as protection from wild animals. – Она не должна . been followed Modal verbs – can be switched, could be downloaded, should not be discussed going to – is going to be shown Ex. 5 .

volcanoes. You can’t see them, but you can see hot water and steam rising from thousands of holes. The largest supervolcano is in Yellowstone National Park in the USA. if it erupted, the explosion would cause the sky to turn very dark and there would be black rain. A supervolcano eruption would cause our climate to change completely. The temperature across the world would fall because the ash in the air would stop heat from the sun from reaching us. Even though the eruption might only last a few weeks, these changes would last for many years. Luckily, these volcanoes don’t erupt very often only once about every 600,000 years.

olcanoes перевод текста


Вулканы можно найти по всей Земле. Они могут быть на суше, под землей или под морем. Они могут быть спящие, что означает, что они могут извергнуться снова, или они могут быть потухшими, что означает, что они не будут извергаться. Существуют разные виды вулканов, и одни из них более опасные, чем другие.

Вулканы становятся опасными, когда они извергаются. Вулканы извергаются, когда раскаленная докрасна горная порода, называемая магмой, поднимается из-под земли и выходит из отверстия в земле. Часть её взлетает в воздух вместе с черным пеплом. Вы можете видеть это на расстоянии многих километров. Когда порода выходит из отверстия, её называют лавой, и она настолько горячая, что (становится) жидкая. Он может течь по земле. Лава может разрушать деревья, дороги и дома.

Когда лава остывает, она становится твердой породой и образует горную форму. Эти типы вулканов называются

стратовулканы и являются наиболее распространенным видом. Один из самых известных стратовулканов — Везувий в Италии. В 79 г. н.э. Везувий извергся и полностью похоронил под собой город Помпеи. В 1883 году извергся стратовулкан под названием Кракатау в Индонезии, разрушивший более ста городов и вызвавший большие изменения в окружающей среде и климате. Вулкан Везувий находится в спящем состоянии и не извергался с 1944 года. Кракатау извергался совсем недавно, в 2009 году.

Есть также вулканы под поверхностью моря. Это так называемые подводные вулканы. Если подводный вулкан извергается много раз, он растет, пока не достигнет поверхности моря. Вершина образует остров. В 1963 году рыбаки возле Исландии были удивлены, увидев пепел и пар, поднимающийся с моря. Это был подводный вулкан. Он вырос и сформировал остров, названный Суртсей. Гавайские острова, расположенные посреди Тихого океана, также были сформированы подводными вулканами миллионы лет назад. Теперь они посещаются тысячами туристов каждый год, хотя они не потухшие и могут извергнуться в любое время.

Супервулканы намного крупнее стратовулканов и находятся под землей. Они самые опасные из всех вулканов. Вы не можете их видеть, но вы можете видеть горячую воду и пар, поднимающиеся из тысяч отверстий. Самый большой супервулкан находится в Йеллоустонском национальном парке в США. Если он извергнется, взрыв заставит небо стать очень темным, и пойдет черный дождь. Извержение супервулкана приведет к тому, что наш климат полностью изменится. Температура во всем мире упадёт, потому что пепел в воздухе не позволит солнечному теплу достигнуть нас. Хотя извержение может длиться всего несколько недель, эти изменения продлились бы на много лет. К счастью, эти вулканы не извергаются очень часто, только один раз каждые 600 000 лет.

Volcanoes перевод текста

Discuss these questions:

  1. What’s the difference between a volcano and a mountain? A mountain is a large natural elevation of the earth’s surface rising abruptly from the surrounding level; a large steep hill. A volcano is a mountain or hill, typically conical, having a crater or vent through which lava, rock fragments, hot vapor, and gas are being or have been erupted from the earth’s crust.
  2. Why are volcanoes dangerous? Because when a volcano erupts, liquid lava is so hot that it can destroy trees, people’s homes, and also kill animals and people near the volcano.
  3. Do you know any famous volcanoes? Where are they? Mount Fuji in Japan and Mount Etna in Italy.

Match the words from the text to the definitions.

  1. ash (пепел) — (noun) dark powder that is left after something has burned in a fire
  2. rises (поднимается вверх) — (noun) — goes up
  3. steam (пар) — (noun) very hot water that has changed into white gas
  4. buried (похоронен) — (verb) put under the ground
  5. explosion (взрыв) — (noun)something bursting into lots of small pieces with a loud noise
  6. surface (поверхность) — (noun) the top part of something
  7. fall (упасть, падать) — (verb) go down quickly
  8. reaches (достигает) — (verb) arrives at or touches
  9. underdround (под землей) — (noun) -below the surface of the earth
  10. liquid (жидкость) — (noun) not gas and not solid, for example, water
  11. forms (формирует) — (verb) makes, becomes or changes into
  12. hole (отверстие, дыра) — (noun) an opening in something

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:



VOLCANOES The word “volcano” was derived from the Italian word “vulcano” from.

VOLCANOES The word “volcano” was derived from the Italian word “vulcano” from the Latin “vulcanus” meaning “burning mountain”.

How Are Volcanoes Classified? the frequency that a volcano erupts the shape.

How Are Volcanoes Classified? the frequency that a volcano erupts the shape of the volcano the method that the magma and ash erupts

What are the Features of Volcanoes? The classic view of volcano is of the cl.

What are the Features of Volcanoes? The classic view of volcano is of the classic mountain shape that starts to erupt from the top of the land mass and has a large crater towards the summit. A number of the planet’s volcanoes have a rugged peak that is created by a lava dome vice a summit crater. Other types of volcanoes include extremely large plateaus that also have vents which are capable of allowing volcanic steam, gas, or even magma to escape to the Earth’s surface. Other types of volcanic structures that have been discovered include ones comprised of mud and ice.

Composite Volcanoes (Stratovolcanoes) A composite volcano is a tall mountain.

Composite Volcanoes (Stratovolcanoes) A composite volcano is a tall mountain that is conical in shape.

Supervolcanoes A supervolcano consists of a large caldera and significantly.

Supervolcanoes A supervolcano consists of a large caldera and significantly can damage the surround area They are considered one of the most dangerous types of volcano. Ex. Krakatoa near Sumatra, the Yellowstone Caldera in Yellowstone National Park

What Are Submarine Volcanoes? A submarine volcano is normally found on the o.

What Are Submarine Volcanoes? A submarine volcano is normally found on the ocean floor at varying depths of water. A submarine volcano may become an island

Sub Glacial Volcanoes A sub glacial volcano develops underneath icecaps on th.

Sub Glacial Volcanoes A sub glacial volcano develops underneath icecaps on the earth. They consist of flat lava which is located towards the upper portion of pillow lava flows. Iceland has a lot of such volcanoes.

What is a Mud Volcano? A mud volcano can reach heights of more than 700 mete.

What is a Mud Volcano? A mud volcano can reach heights of more than 700 meters and can be up to 10 km or more in diameter. The largest known mud volcano is located in Indonesia which is 2,300 ft in height and six miles in diameter. Found in Azerbaidzhan

The Nevado del Ruiz Volcano November 13, 1985. . After 69 years of being dor.

The Nevado del Ruiz Volcano November 13, 1985. . After 69 years of being dormant, the Nevado del Ruiz volcano in Tolima, Colombia erupted causing a pyroclastic flow (a current of superheated gas and rock that moves a speed of around 450 mph (700km/h) away from the volcano) to melt the mountain’s snow cap and glaciers. This in turn sent mudslides down the mountain and into river beds that swept into the sleeping town of Armero, burying it in thick mud that had the density of concrete. Over 20,000 of the town’s 29,000 people were killed that day and another 3,000 people from the neighboring towns died as well.

Mount Punatubo The 1991 eruption of Mount Punatubo in the Philippines was one.

Mount Punatubo The 1991 eruption of Mount Punatubo in the Philippines was one of the largest eruptions of the 20th century. The aftermath of this eruption were so significant, it was said to have affected global temperatures by about 0.9 degrees Fahrenheit in the following year. The ash cloud also caused by the eruption rose over 22 miles in the air and was one of the primary contributors to the number of deaths associated with that eruption. A large number of homes also had their roofs collapse in because of the weight of the accumulated wet ash.

Kilauea. The most active volcano in the world (not including underwater volca.

Kilauea. The most active volcano in the world (not including underwater volcanoes) is another of Hawaii’s volcanoes, Kilauea. Beginning in 1983, the Kilauea volcano has been in a state of near constant eruption, relative to most volcanoes, ever since (for 30 years). It was recorded to have erupted 45 times in the 20th century. The most recent eruption of Kilauea was in March 2011. More than 90 percent of Kilauea’s surface is made up of lava that is less than 1,100 years old.

Volcanoes in the USA The most destructive volcano in the United States was th.

Volcanoes in the USA The most destructive volcano in the United States was the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens in Washington. Over 250 homes, 47 bridges, and 185 miles of highway were destroyed, taking the lives of over 57 people directly. The eruption produced over 540 million tons of ash covering an area of more than 22,000 square miles.

Volcanoes in the USA The biggest eruption in the United States (and the 20th.

Volcanoes in the USA The biggest eruption in the United States (and the 20th century), however, was the Novarupta (Katmai) Volcano in Alaska that erupted in 1912 with almost 3 times the volume of the Mount St. Helen’s eruption. The eruption lasted over 60 hours and spewed out an estimated 15 cubic kilometers of magma. There wasn’t as much commercial damage, though, due to the fact that the region was sparsely populated.

QUESTIONS AND SUMMARY 1. What does the word “volcano” mean? 2. How are volcan.

QUESTIONS AND SUMMARY 1. What does the word “volcano” mean? 2. How are volcanoes classified? 3. What is composite volcano? 4. Where do submarine volcanoes happen? What can a submarine volcano become? 5. Where does sub glacial volcanoes develop? Where can sub glacial volcanoes be seen? 6. What is a mud volcano? Where can we see them? Let’s make a summary. 1.What new information about volcanoes have you leaned? 2. Can you name the dormant and active volcanoes? 3. How many active volcanoes are there on Earth? 4. In what countries are there more volcanoes? 5. How many people were killed when in 1669 Etna in Sicilia erupted? 6. Why was Krakatau dangerous?

VOLCANOES Источники: encyclopedia.com›topic/Volcanoes.aspx bbc.co.uk›BBC Scie.

Краткое описание документа:

Презентация по английскому языку по теме "Вулканы" для 10 класса по УМК О.В.Афанасьевой. В презентации даны основные категории вулканов и их особенности. Слово вулкан происходит от итальянского "огненная гора" Есть несколько категорий вулканов в зависимости от частоты, от формы и от выброса лавы и золы. Также даны факты о самых больших извержениях, происшедших в 19-20 веках. В ноябре 1985 года сильное извержение произошло в Невадо, где погибли 20тысяч человек. В конце презентации даны вопросы для проверки знаний учащихся. Презентацию можно использовать приподготовке темы "Экология".


№ слайда 1

A volcano is an opening, or rupture, in the surface or crust of the Earth or a p

№ слайда 2

A volcano is an opening, or rupture, in the surface or crust of the Earth or a planetary mass object, which allows hot lava, volcanic ash and gases to escape from the magma chamber below the surface. A volcano is an opening, or rupture, in the surface or crust of the Earth or a planetary mass object, which allows hot lava, volcanic ash and gases to escape from the magma chamber below the surface.

On Earth, volcanoes are generally found where tectonic plates are diverging or c

№ слайда 3

On Earth, volcanoes are generally found where tectonic plates are diverging or converging.

There are three common types of volcano: composite volcanoes, often the most dea

№ слайда 4

There are three common types of volcano: composite volcanoes, often the most deadly; shield volcanoes, which are large but generally less violent; cinder cones.

Erupting volcanoes can pose many hazards, not only in the immediate vicinity of

№ слайда 5

Erupting volcanoes can pose many hazards, not only in the immediate vicinity of the eruption.

Lava has a temperature of more than 1200 ° C, the rate of 2 to 40 kilometers

№ слайда 6

Lava has a temperature of more than 1200 ° C, the rate of 2 to 40 kilometers

The largest volcano on Earth is Hawaii

№ слайда 7

The largest volcano on Earth is Hawaii's Mauna Loa. It is about 10 km tall from the sea floor to its summit (it rises about 4 km above sea level).

The most active volcano in the continental USA is Mt. St. Helens (located in wes

№ слайда 8

The most active volcano in the continental USA is Mt. St. Helens (located in western Washington state).

Volcanic eruptions continue posing ever-greater threats to life and property.

№ слайда 9

Volcanic eruptions continue posing ever-greater threats to life and property.

South of Mexico City, Popocat petl has begun to come to life again.

№ слайда 10

South of Mexico City, Popocat petl has begun to come to life again.

Another million people living in the Naples area are threatened by Mt. Vesuvius

№ слайда 11

Another million people living in the Naples area are threatened by Mt. Vesuvius' continued unrest.


№ слайда 12

Презентация: Volcanoes

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Посмотреть презентацию на тему "Volcanoes" в режиме онлайн с анимацией. Содержит 12 слайдов. Самый большой каталог качественных презентаций по иностранным языкам в рунете. Если не понравится материал, просто поставьте плохую оценку.


Презентация: Volcanoes


Слайд 2

A volcano is an opening, or rupture, in the surface or crust of the Earth or a planetary mass object, which allows hot lava, volcanic ash and gases to escape from the magma chamber below the surface.

Слайд 3

On Earth, volcanoes are generally found where tectonic plates are diverging or converging.

Слайд 4

There are three common types of volcano: composite volcanoes, often the most deadly; shield volcanoes, which are large but generally less violent; cinder cones.

Слайд 5

Erupting volcanoes can pose many hazards, not only in the immediate vicinity of the eruption.

Слайд 6

Lava has a temperature of more than 1200 °C, the rate of 2 to 40 kilometers

Слайд 7

The largest volcanoon Earth is Hawaii's Mauna Loa. It is about 10 km tall from the sea floor to its summit (it rises about 4 km above sea level).

Слайд 8

The most active volcano in the continental USA isMt. St. Helens (located inwestern Washington state).

Слайд 9

Volcanic eruptions continue posing ever-greater threats to life and property.

Слайд 10

South of Mexico City, Popocatpetl has begun tocome to life again.

Слайд 11

Another million people living in the Naples area are threatened by Mt. Vesuvius' continued unrest.

Слайд 12

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