Доклад про египет на английском языке

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

Egypt is full of mysteries. Today we associate this North African country with giant pyramids and pharaohs. The ancient nation living around the River Nile. Ancient Egyptians believed in life after death. Many tourists visit this place to admire its architecture.

James lives in a small flat in Cambridge. He lives with two other boys who are students at Cambridge University. They work hard during the week, but on weekends they invite a lot of friends to their house. They cook a meal with their friends, and then they go out to the pub for a drink, or they stay at home and listen to music.

1. I looked round and saw that somebody had left his bag on the bench
2. Not only Jane but also her sister have been at the party this week
3. The number of days in a week is 7
4. Sally bought a new dress last month but she hasn't worn it yet.
5. Please wait for him here till he comes back

Помогите пожалуйста сделать задание по английскому вместо точек нужно вставить слова ) завершить эту биографию Леонардо да Vinici. Использование этих глаголов в
в прошедшем времени. быть (х2) родиться умереть разделить дизайн идет (х2) краска (х2) не возвращать работы
не краски Леонардо да Винчи 1. в Тоскане,близ Флоренции, в 1452 году.Он 2. в hainter, но он 3 . также великий ученый.Он 4. много известных картин, как "тайная вечеря".С 1482 по 1499,он 5. для Лодовико Сфорца в Милане, но он 6. много фотографий там.Он 7. много военных машин.Между 1506 и 1512, он 8. свое время между Миланом и Флоренцией, где он 9. Мона Лиза.В 1513, он 10. в Рим.Тогда, в 1516 году, он 11. во Францию, чтобы работать для французского короля.Он 12. в Италию, но 13. во Франции в 1519 году. б)завершить все эти вопросы про Леонардо. 1) Когда . ?В 1452 году. 2)Что . ? Много известных картин. 3) Кто . между 1482 и 1499? Для Лодовико Сфорца. 4) Что . когда он был в Милане? Много военных машин. 5) где . Мона Лиза? В Флоренции. 6) где . ? Во Франции.

Где вы были вчера?

Мой брат не смотрел фильмы ужасов.

Когда я видел его, он играл в футбол.

Turn the following into the passive as in the example 1.The policeman gave me a ticket 2.The waiter is serving them dinner now.

10. Переведите вопросы и ответы на них.Who is four?John is.['hu: iz 'fɔ:?]['dzpn iz]· Who is 27?Barbara is.Who is 46?Mother is.H

Вставить пропущенные слова, которые в скобках . three books are think. (This, These) Don't give . these books. (us, we) .

Прочитайте "визитную карточку". Напишите ответы на вопросы. Name:Peter age:10 can:play the guitar likes:cats, computer games 1)C

Расставьте в правильном порядке слова в предложении: old/The/across/river/the/broken/was/builders/by/bridge

Переведите пожалуйста на английский:Я гуляю с друзьями,мы катаемся на велосипеде.С родителями и братиком ходим в парк.

Рассказы на английском

Рассказ про Египет на английском языке с переводом расскажет много интересного об этой стране. Египет сочинение на английском можно дополнить интересными фактами.

Рассказ о Египте на английском языке

Egypt is a transcontinental country spanning the northeast corner of Africa and southwest corner of Asia, via a land bridge formed by the Sinai Peninsula.

The official name of the country is the Arab Republic of Egypt.

It is bordered by the Gaza Strip and Israel to the northeast, the Gulf of Aqaba to the east, the Red Sea to the east and south, Sudan to the south, and Libya to the west.

Islam is the official religion of Egypt and Arabic is its official language.

As of 1 January 2017, the population of Egypt was estimated to be 94,538,320 people. It is the most populous country in North Africa and the Arab world, the third-most populous in Africa (after Nigeria and Ethiopia), and the fifteenth-most populous in the world.

Cairo is the capital and largest city of Egypt.

The entire country lies within the wide band of the Sahara Desert. Therefore, most of Egypt’s terrain is hot, dry desert, which covers about 95% of the country’s surface.

Despite covering only about 5.5% of the total area of Egypt; the Nile Valley and Nile Delta are the most important regions, being the country’s only cultivable regions and supporting about 99% of the population.

The Nile River extends across Egypt from south to north for roughly 1,600 kilometers. With a total length of 6,853 kilometers, the Nile is the longest river in the world.

Egypt has 2,450 kilometers of coastline on both the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea.

Egypt has one of the longest histories of any country, tracing its heritage back to the 6th–4th millennia BCE. Considered a cradle of civilisation, Ancient Egypt saw some of the earliest developments of writing, agriculture, urbanisation, organised religion and central government. Iconic monuments such as the Giza Necropolis and its Great Sphinx, as well the ruins of Memphis, Thebes, Karnak, and the Valley of the Kings, reflect this legacy and remain a significant focus of scientific and popular interest.

Egypt’s economy is one of the largest and most diversified in the Middle East, and is projected to become one of the largest in the world in the 21st century.

Египет топик на английском с переводом

Египет — трансконтинентальная страна, охватывающая северо-восточную часть Африки и юго-западную часть Азии через сухопутный мост, образованный Синайским полуостровом.

Официальное название страны — Арабская Республика Египет.

Страна граничит с сектором Газа и Израилем на северо-востоке, с Акабским заливом на востоке, с Красным морем на востоке и юге, с Суданом на юге и с Ливией на западе.

Ислам — официальная религия Египта, а арабский — официальный язык.

По состоянию на 1 января 2017 года население Египта составляло 94 538 320 человек. Это самая густонаселенная страна в Северной Африке и арабском мире, третья по численности населения в Африке (после Нигерии и Эфиопии) и пятнадцатая по численности населения в мире.

Каир является столицей и крупнейшим городом Египта.

Вся страна находится в широкой полосе пустыни Сахара. Поэтому большая часть территории Египта представляет собой жаркую сухую пустыню, которая покрывает около 95% поверхности страны.

Люди живут только на 5,5% площади Египта, в долине Нила и дельте Нила, которые являются наиболее важными регионами, являющимися единственными обрабатываемыми регионами страны и обслуживающими около 99% населения.

Река Нил простирается через Египет с юга на север примерно на 1600 километров. Нила — самая длинная река в мире, длина которой составляет 6 853 км.

Египет имеет 2450 километров береговой линии на Средиземном море и Красном море.

Египет имеет одну из самых длинных историй в любой стране, начиная с 6-4 тысячелетий до нашей эры. Считаясь колыбелью цивилизации, Древний Египет видел некоторые из самых ранних разработок письменности, сельского хозяйства, урбанизации, организованной религии и центрального правительства. Культовые памятники, такие как Некрополь Гизы и его Великий Сфинкс, а также руины Мемфиса, Фив, Карнака и Долины Царей, отражают это наследие и остаются значительным объектом научного и общественного интереса.

Экономика Египта является одной из крупнейших и наиболее диверсифицированных на Ближнем Востоке, и, согласно прогнозам, станет одной из крупнейших в мире в XXI веке.

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

Cairo is the capital and largest city of Egypt

Cairo is the capital and largest city of Egypt

Today, the people of Egypt are mostly Sunni Muslims. There are still many Chr.

Today, the people of Egypt are mostly Sunni Muslims. There are still many Christians in Egypt today. Many of these belong to the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria.

The Egyptian economy essentially relies on tourism, revenue from the Suez Can.

The Egyptian economy essentially relies on tourism, revenue from the Suez Canal, revenue from private transfers and the export of oil and gas.

Ancient Egypt is one of the greatest and oldest civilizations in the world. T.

Ancient Egypt is one of the greatest and oldest civilizations in the world. They were also better known for their incredible monumental architecture. Many of them represent the concept of after life exist in Ancient Egypt. The art and architecture developed by the ancient Egyptian civilizations also influenced different cultures around the world.

The valley of Kings in the West bank of Nile was the principal burial place o.

The valley of Kings in the West bank of Nile was the principal burial place of pharaohs of New Kingdom of ancient Egypt (1539 B.C – 1075 B.C). The valley contains some 60 tombs and chambers. The site also used as burial place of queens, priests and other notable people of ancient Egypt. Mummification was used for preserving royal bodies at that time.

Temple of Hatshepsut also known as Deir el-Bahr temple located opposite to Lu.

Temple of Hatshepsut also known as Deir el-Bahr temple located opposite to Luxor city, near valey of Kings. The temple was built by pharaoh Maatkare Hatshepsut in 15th century B.C.

Medinet habu also known as Mortuary temple of Ramses III, a huge temple compl.

Medinet habu also known as Mortuary temple of Ramses III, a huge temple complex located in Luxor of Egypt. The temple was built by 3500 years ago to honor the memory of great Ramsses III pharaoh. There is also funerary chamber of Ramses III kept inside one of hall of the temple. Many valuable jewelries, cloths and other goods are also kept inside his chamber.

Pyramid of Djoser is the first ever pyramid built by Egyptians. The pyramid w.

Pyramid of Djoser is the first ever pyramid built by Egyptians. The pyramid was built for pharaoh Djoser in 27th century B.C. The step pyramid standing to a height of 60 meters and consist of six layer. There is also tunneled chambers and galleries that have total length of 6 kilometers. The burial place for pharaoh and other members of royal family also located between the tunnels. The burial rooms were also stocked with jewelries and other goods.

Luxor temple a great ancient Egyptian temple complex that contains six temple.

Luxor temple a great ancient Egyptian temple complex that contains six temples in total. The temples were dedicated to Amun, Mut and Khonsu, deities of ancient Egyptian city Thebes. The temple was constructed in 14th century B.C using sandstones. The six colossal statues of ancient Egyptian prince Ramesses at the main entrance is the another notable attraction in the site. There are also wall painting that represent the divine birth of pharaohs.

Karnak is a large ancient temple complex situated in the bank of Nile. The co.

Karnak is a large ancient temple complex situated in the bank of Nile. The construction of karnak temple complex started by 4000 years ago and continued for next thirteen hundred years.

Colossi of memnon is two gigantic statues that depict Amenhotep III pharaoh.

Colossi of memnon is two gigantic statues that depict Amenhotep III pharaoh. The statues were built in 1350 B.C as guards for mortuary temple. The statues were carved out from quartzite sandstone. They standing to a height of 75 feet and have a weight of 750 tons.

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Ancient Egypt

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Ancient Egypt Ancient Egypt is a state in northern Africa. It is one of the olde

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Ancient Egypt Ancient Egypt is a state in northern Africa. It is one of the oldest centers of civilization.

Pyramids. The Egyptian pyramids are great, amazing and amusing. The most largest

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Pyramids. The Egyptian pyramids are great, amazing and amusing. The most largest of them are Khufu (Cheops) and Khafre pyramids in Giza. They are considered to be one of the wonders of the World.

The Great Pyramids show a great mastery of monumental stoneworking: individual b

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The Great Pyramids show a great mastery of monumental stoneworking: individual blocks were large or colossal and were very accurately fitted to one another. Surveying and planning also were carried out with remarkable precision.Apart from the colossal conception of the pyramids themselves, the temple complexes attached to them show great mastery of architectural forms.

The biggest from them is Cheops pyramid (builder Hemiun, 27 c. BC.). Its height

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The biggest from them is Cheops pyramid (builder Hemiun, 27 c. BC.). Its height was at first 147 m, but then it was 232 m. For building they took 2 million 300 thousand enormous stone blocks, average weight of the block was 2,5 tons.

Sphinx. One of the the largest statues is Great Khafre Sphinx at Giza

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Sphinx. One of the the largest statues is Great Khafre Sphinx at Giza

Gods. Egiptian gods

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Gods. Egiptian gods

Art. The Art in Ancient Egypt is much differ from other countries.

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Art. The Art in Ancient Egypt is much differ from other countries.

The examples of Egyptian art

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The examples of Egyptian art

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The System of writing.

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The System of writing.

Images of the Ancient Egypt

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Images of the Ancient Egypt

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Выполнила студентка первого курса Авиационного колледжа группы 14-М Петровская К

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Выполнила студентка первого курса Авиационного колледжа группы 14-М Петровская Ксения.

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