Доклад о дублине на английском

Обновлено: 25.06.2024


Дублин характеризуется умеренным морским климатом с мягкими зимами и прохладным летом. Благодаря расположению на северной широте, в городе длинные летние дни (около 17 часов) и короткие зимние. Дублин довольно безопасный город в отношении торнадо, ураганов, землетрясений и цунами.


Дублин – это центр политической, экономической и культурной жизни страны.

Направления промышленности

Главные направления промышленности города – это пивоварение, фармацевтическое производство, информационные технологии и средства коммуникации. Финансы и коммерция занимают не менее важное место. В целом, Дублин занимает 10-е место в списке самых дорогих для проживания городов в мире.


Ночная жизнь

Дублин отличается яркой ночной жизнью и считается одним из самых молодежных городов, так как 50% жителей составляют молодые люди младше 25. Место для ночного отдыха и развлечений, известное как Дублинский квартал культуры, это Temple Bar. Из Дублина вышли несколько популярных музыкантов и групп, таких как U2, The Dubliners, Horslips, Thin Lizzy, Paddy Casey и некоторые другие.


Благодаря достаточному количеству больших магазинов, таких как Clerys, Arnotts и Brown Thomas, Дублин является популярным местом для шоппинга не только для ирландцев, но и для туристов.


Вы не пожалеете, если когда-нибудь посетите это интересное место.


Dublin is the capital of Ireland and the largest city of the country. The English name of the city comes from Irish “Dubh Linn”, which means “black pool”. Dublin is situated at the mouth of the River Liffey, which flows into the Irish Sea. The population of the city itself is about 506,000 people. However, the population of the urban area (the city and the suburbs) is about 1.7 million people. It should be mentioned that Dublin is home to a great number of immigrants.


Dublin is characterized by maritime temperate climate with mild winters and cool summers. Due to its northerly latitude, the city experiences long summer days (about 17 hours) and short winter days. Dublin is quite safe from such natural disasters as tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes and tsunamis.


Dublin is the centre of political, economical and cultural life of the country.

The main industries

The main industries of the city are brewing, pharmaceutical, information and communication technology. Finance and commerce are not the least important as well. All in all, Dublin is considered as the tenth most expensive city for living in the world.


There are several theatres and museums in Dublin. The city is also famous for its literary history. Such prominent writers and playwrights as Oscar Wilde, Jonathan Swift and the creator of Dracula, Bram Stoker come from Dublin.

Vibrant nightlife

Dublin has a vibrant nightlife and is thought of as one of the most youthful cities in Europe because about 50% of the inhabitants are younger than 25. The area for nightlife and entertainment, known as Dublin’s cultural quarter, is the Temple Bar. Dublin has produced several popular musicians and groups such as U2, The Dubliners, Horslips, Thin Lizzy, Paddy Casey and some others.


Due to a number of large department stores such as Clerys, Arnotts and Brown Thomas, Dublin is a popular shopping spot not only for Irish people but for tourists as well.

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Welcome to Dublin! Dublin is the capital of Ireland. Dublin is situated near.

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

Welcome to Dublin! Dublin is the capital of Ireland. Dublin is situated near.

Welcome to Dublin! Dublin is the capital of Ireland. Dublin is situated near the midpoint of Ireland's east coast, at the mouth of the River Liffey.

Welcome to Dublin School of English! Dublin School of English was established.

Welcome to Dublin School of English! Dublin School of English was established and recognised in 1968.

Welcome to Dublin School of English!

Welcome to Dublin School of English!

The lovely places of interest in Dublin. Saint Stephen's Green.

The lovely places of interest in Dublin. Civic Offices of Dublin City Counci.

The lovely places of interest in Dublin. Civic Offices of Dublin City Council. The Spire of Dublin rises behind the statue of Jim Larkin. The Molly Malone statue, Grafton Stree.

The lovely places of interest in Dublin. Leinster House on Kildare Street ho.

The lovely places of interest in Dublin. Leinster House on Kildare Street houses the Oireachtas. Grafton Street is a principal shopping street in Dublin's city centre. Grafton Street is a principal shopping street in Dublin's city centre. Ulster Bank on George's Quay Plaza. Aviva Stadium. National Museum of Ireland. Clerys on O'Connell Street.

The lovely places of interest in Dublin. Trinity College. National Gallery o.

The lovely places of interest in Dublin. Trinity College. National Gallery of Ireland. National Gallery of Ireland was founded in 1854 and opened its doors ten years later. The National Gallery of Ireland houses the Irish national collection of Irish and European art.

The Irish famous painters are James Barry, Augustus Joseph Nicholas Burke, N.

The Irish famous painters are James Barry, Augustus Joseph Nicholas Burke, Nathaniel Hone, Francis Danby, Walter Frederick Osborne and many others. James Barry is . Self Portrait, 1803. Augustus Joseph Nicholas Burke. Selfportrait of Nathaniel Hone. Connemara Girl. Francis Danby. View of the Avon Gorge, 1822. Walter Frederick Osborne. Feeding the chickens (1885).

The lovely places of interest in Dublin. Dublin Castle. Dublin Castle was bu.

The lovely places of interest in Dublin. Dublin Castle. Dublin Castle was built in 1204 as a major defensive work on the orders of King John of England.

 The lovely places of interest in Dublin. Dublin Castle.

The lovely places of interest in Dublin. Dublin Castle.

 The lovely places of interest in Dublin. Dublin Castle.

The lovely places of interest in Dublin. Dublin Castle.

The lovely places of interest in Dublin. Christ Church Cathedral was built i.

The lovely places of interest in Dublin. Christ Church Cathedral was built in 1030.

St. Patrick Cathedral was built in 1191. The Cathedral follows in the Anglic.

St. Patrick Cathedral was built in 1191. The Cathedral follows in the Anglican \ Episcopalian tradition and is a national cathedral of the Church of Ireland.

 Famous Irish dance.

Famous Irish dance.

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Вы можете изучить и скачать доклад-презентацию на тему Дублин. Ирландия - Dublin. Презентация на заданную тему содержит 23 слайдов. Для просмотра воспользуйтесь проигрывателем, если материал оказался полезным для Вас - поделитесь им с друзьями с помощью социальных кнопок и добавьте наш сайт презентаций в закладки!


Purpose of the Lesson. Cultivate a personality of a student on the basis of human values, train cognitive activity using foreign languages, and develop a sense of tolerance and respect to culture and traditions of people whose language we learn.

Objectives of the Lesson. Develop speaking skills Develop listening skills Improve reading and translating skills Increase students’ inner motivation to learn foreign languages and cultures, develop attention and perception, aural memory, thinking and imagination of children.

Pubs and bars Ireland and Dublin are famous for its pubs and bars. They are very nicely done and a lot of Irish people love to spend their evenings there.

O'Connell Street is Dublin's main thoroughfare. One of Europe's widest streets, it measures 49m (160ft) in width at its southern end, 46m (150ft) at the north, and is 500m (1650ft) in length. Known as 'Sackville Street' until 1924, Dublin Corporation renamed it in honour of Daniel O'Connell, a nationalist leader of the early nineteenth century whose statue stands at the lower end of the street, facing O'Connell Bridge. O'Connell Street is Dublin's main thoroughfare. One of Europe's widest streets, it measures 49m (160ft) in width at its southern end, 46m (150ft) at the north, and is 500m (1650ft) in length. Known as 'Sackville Street' until 1924, Dublin Corporation renamed it in honour of Daniel O'Connell, a nationalist leader of the early nineteenth century whose statue stands at the lower end of the street, facing O'Connell Bridge.

Millenium Spire Millenium Spire-symbol of Dublin. Was installed in 2003 Height 120 meters Width at the base of 3 meters.

Molly Malone Molly Malone" (also known as "Cockles and Mussels" or "In Dublin's Fair City") is a popular song, set in Dublin, Ireland, which has become the unofficial anthem of Dublin City. Molly Malone statue in Grafton Street, was unveiled by then Lord Mayor of Dublin, Alderman Ben Briscoe during 1988 the Dublin Millennium celebrations, declaring June 13 as Molly Malone Day.

Grafton st-best place for shopping! Here you can find shops for every taste. Grafton st-best place for shopping! Here you can find shops for every taste.

Дублин - топик по английскому


Dublin is a fine city, with beautiful grey stone houses. It is
situated on the east coast of Ireland. If you go to Dublin you
must visit its parks. They have beautiful gardens with deer,
and there are markets there on Sundays.

Dublin has always been a city of music. A lot of rock
and pop groups come to Ireland, because the Irish like music
very much. The Irish people like an old song about a Dublin
girl, Mollie Malone. She sold shellfish in the streets of Dublin,
her father and mother did the same thing before her. When
she was still young she became ill and died, but her ghost
lived after her. The writer of the song doesn't use the word
"love", but he calls her "sweet Mollie Malone", so probably he
loved her.
Because Dublin is near the sea you can sometimes feel the
wind on your face in the middle of the city. But if you want to
be warm you can drink coffee in one of the many cafes.
Dublin has lots of bridges.
Many people know about O'Connell Bridge. It's unusual because it is almost square (47 metres wide and 49 metres across). People know about the Dublin Post Office too. In 1916 there was fighting there between Irishmen and British soldiers.

Дублин - красивый город с чудесными серыми камен-
ными домами. Он расположен на восточном побережье
Ирландии. Если вы попадете в Дублин, вы должны посе-
тить его парки. Там находятся красивые сады с оленями,
а по воскресеньям здесь базары.
Дублин всегда был городом музыки. Много рок- и поп-
групп приезжают в Ирландию, потому что ирландцы очень
любят музыку. Им очень нравится старая песня про дуб-
линскую девушку Молли Мэлон. Она продавала моллюс-
ков' на улицах Дублина, ее отец и мать делали то же самое
до нее. Будучи еще молодой, она заболела и умерла, но ее
призрак жил. Автор этой песни не использует слово "лю-
бовь", но он называет ее "сладкая Молли Мэлон", наверное,
он любил ее.
Из-за того что Дублин расположен возле моря, вы иног-
да и в центре города можете ощутить, как касается лица
морской ветер. Но если вы хотите согреться, можно вы-
пить кофе в одном из кафе. В Дублине много мостов.
Многие люди знают мост О'Коннела, он необычный, пото-
му что практически квадратный (47 метров в ширину и
49 метров в длину). Люди также знают здание почвы
Дублина. В 1916 году здесь произошла битва между ир-
ландскими и британскими солдатами.

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