African animals in danger доклад

Обновлено: 17.05.2024

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
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Today let’s speak about some animals on our planet. Many animals and birds on.

Today let’s speak about some animals on our planet. Many animals and birds on the Earth are disappearing.

Many of them are in danger. Indian tigers and African elephants are among th.

Many of them are in danger. Indian tigers and African elephants are among them. People have hunted and killed a lot of them. The result is very sad. There are few Indian tigers left on the Earth now. Tigers hide from people in the deep dark forests. But people cut down many trees. In the 19th century Africa was full of elephants but now there are not many of them.

Many birds and animals are disappearing. Modern life is bad for them. The air.

Many birds and animals are disappearing. Modern life is bad for them. The air is not fresh. The water is not clean.

We can find their names in the Red Book. We must save wild animals. We must t.

We can find their names in the Red Book. We must save wild animals. We must take care of nature.

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Elephants are the biggest land animals. They are mammals. They are grey and have no hair. Their skin is thick and rough. They come from Africa and Asia. African elephants have very big ears and Asian elephants have small ears. They live in hot regions. The elephant has a very long nose, which is called a trunk and two long white teeth called tusks.

Elephants eat a lot of food they are herbivore, that means that they don’t eat meat. They eat leaves, grass, fruit and even trees. They eat around 140 kilos of food a day and drink 180 litres of water. A big elephant is over 3.5 metres tall and weighs 6000 kilos. Elephants love water and they are good swimmers. Nowadays they are in danger of becoming extinct because they are killed for their ivory tusks which are used to make ornaments or necklaces.

Pandas are mammals. They live in jungles of China. Pandas have got long black and white fur.

Pandas are mammals. They live in jungles of China. Pandas have got long black and white fur. They always look very sad. They grow up to two metres. They eat bamboo, plants and sometimes fish. They are omnivore – animals that eat plants and meat. There are less than 1000 left in the wild.

They are in danger of becoming extinct because people are destroying their habitat – the place where they live. Farmers want more and more land to grow different products, so they cut down lots of bamboo and change the bamboo forest into a field. Pandas are also killed for their fur to make rugs.

Indian rhinos are mammals too. They live on Indian plains and in the jungle. They like hot

Indian rhinos are mammals too. They live on Indian plains and in the jungle. They like hot weather too and they don’t mind high temperature. Their skin is thick and hard and they are grey colour. They are very big and they can grow up to 4 metres long. They have got a big horn on their nose; well a horn is their nose. They are herbivore and they eat lots of grass and plants. There are less than 700 in the wild.

They are now in danger of becoming extinct because people are destroying their habitat and they are also killed for their horns to make medicine. But this medicine is not really important, it won’t save lives, it is more like cosmetics or beauty product!

MOUNTAIN GORILLAA gorilla is a mammal. It lives in the mountains and in the jungle of Africa.

A gorilla is a mammal. It lives in the mountains and in the jungle of Africa. We can find it in hot and wet regions. It is very large. It has got thick black fur. It can be very dangerous too. Sometimes we think that gorillas are funny animals, but they act very much like people and they even have got hands. They eat fruit, flowers and plants.

It is now in danger of becoming extinct because it is killed for sport and sometimes even for food. And since people are destroying its habitat, it has less and less place to live.

POLAR BEARS A polar bear is a mammal. It lives in Arctic Circle, Canada and Greenland. It

A polar bear is a mammal. It lives in Arctic Circle, Canada and Greenland. It lives in very cold region. It is very big, up to three metres long and very dangerous. It has got a big body, a big head and thick white fur, which keeps its body warm even in extremely cold temperature.

It likes swimming in icy water and it likes snow very much. It eats fish and seals. It is now in danger of becoming extinct because it is killed for fur and sport. Fur is used to make coats. But it is also in danger because of weather changes and warm temperature. Because of that the ice is melting and its habitat is slowly vanishing.

NILE CROCODILESA crocodile is a reptile. It lives in and near African rivers. It is a very

A crocodile is a reptile. It lives in and near African rivers. It is a very large animal. It can grow up to 6 metres long. It is carnivore, it eats birds, fish and mammals, sometimes even people. So this animal is very dangerous. It is green and brown colour and it has got a very big mouth with sharp teeth. It has got a strong tail and it can kill with its tail too.

It is now in danger of becoming extinct because it is killed for its skin to make shoes, handbags and belts. People also kill crocodiles because they are dangerous. Sometimes they kill them for food and for medicine. People also destroy their habitat so crocodiles don’t have enough space to live.

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Презентация рассчитана в помощь учителю, который проводит уроки на тему "Животные, которые на грани вымирания". Содержит иллюстрации и дополнительный материал, который разнообразит урок и даст детям возможность узнать больше новых фактов о редких видах животных со всего мира. Материал может быть использован как в 5 классах, так и в классах постарше, лексика разнообразная.

ELEPHANTS Elephants are the biggest land animals. They are mammals. They are grey and have no hair. Their skin is thick and rough. They come from Africa and Asia. African elephants have very big ears and Asian elephants have small ears. They live in hot regions. The elephant has a very long nose, which is called a trunk and two long white teeth called tusks. Elephants eat a lot of food they are herbivore, that means that they don’t eat meat. They eat leaves, grass, fruit and even trees. They eat around 140 kilos of food a day and drink 180 litres of water. A big elephant is over 3.5 metres tall and weighs 6000 kilos. Elephants love water and they are good swimmers. Nowadays they are in danger of becoming extinct because they are killed for their ivory tusks which are used to make ornaments or necklaces.

Elephants are the biggest land animals. They are mammals. They are grey and have no hair. Their skin is thick and rough. They come from Africa and Asia. African elephants have very big ears and Asian elephants have small ears. They live in hot regions. The elephant has a very long nose, which is called a trunk and two long white teeth called tusks.

Elephants eat a lot of food they are herbivore, that means that they don’t eat meat. They eat leaves, grass, fruit and even trees. They eat around 140 kilos of food a day and drink 180 litres of water. A big elephant is over 3.5 metres tall and weighs 6000 kilos. Elephants love water and they are good swimmers. Nowadays they are in danger of becoming extinct because they are killed for their ivory tusks which are used to make ornaments or necklaces.

Pandas are mammals. They live in jungles of China. Pandas have got long black and white fur. They always look very sad. They grow up to two metres. They eat bamboo, plants and sometimes fish. They are omnivore – animals that eat plants and meat. There are less than 1000 left in the wild. They are in danger of becoming extinct because people are destroying their habitat – the place where they live. Farmers want more and more land to grow different products, so they cut down lots of bamboo and change the bamboo forest into a field. Pandas are also killed for their fur to make rugs.

Pandas are mammals. They live in jungles of China. Pandas have got long black and white fur. They always look very sad. They grow up to two metres. They eat bamboo, plants and sometimes fish. They are omnivore – animals that eat plants and meat. There are less than 1000 left in the wild.

They are in danger of becoming extinct because people are destroying their habitat – the place where they live. Farmers want more and more land to grow different products, so they cut down lots of bamboo and change the bamboo forest into a field. Pandas are also killed for their fur to make rugs.

Indian rhinos are mammals too. They live on Indian plains and in the jungle. They like hot weather too and they don’t mind high temperature. Their skin is thick and hard and they are grey colour. They are very big and they can grow up to 4 metres long. They have got a big horn on their nose; well a horn is their nose. They are herbivore and they eat lots of grass and plants. There are less than 700 in the wild. They are now in danger of becoming extinct because people are destroying their habitat and they are also killed for their horns to make medicine. But this medicine is not really important, it won’t save lives, it is more like cosmetics or beauty product!

Indian rhinos are mammals too. They live on Indian plains and in the jungle. They like hot weather too and they don’t mind high temperature. Their skin is thick and hard and they are grey colour. They are very big and they can grow up to 4 metres long. They have got a big horn on their nose; well a horn is their nose. They are herbivore and they eat lots of grass and plants. There are less than 700 in the wild.

They are now in danger of becoming extinct because people are destroying their habitat and they are also killed for their horns to make medicine. But this medicine is not really important, it won’t save lives, it is more like cosmetics or beauty product!

MOUNTAIN GORILLA A gorilla is a mammal. It lives in the mountains and in the jungle of Africa. We can find it in hot and wet regions. It is very large. It has got thick black fur. It can be very dangerous too. Sometimes we think that gorillas are funny animals, but they act very much like people and they even have got hands. They eat fruit, flowers and plants. It is now in danger of becoming extinct because it is killed for sport and sometimes even for food. And since people are destroying its habitat, it has less and less place to live .


A gorilla is a mammal. It lives in the mountains and in the jungle of Africa. We can find it in hot and wet regions. It is very large. It has got thick black fur. It can be very dangerous too. Sometimes we think that gorillas are funny animals, but they act very much like people and they even have got hands. They eat fruit, flowers and plants.

It is now in danger of becoming extinct because it is killed for sport and sometimes even for food. And since people are destroying its habitat, it has less and less place to live .

POLAR BEARS A polar bear is a mammal. It lives in Arctic Circle, Canada and Greenland. It lives in very cold region. It is very big, up to three metres long and very dangerous. It has got a big body, a big head and thick white fur, which keeps its body warm even in extremely cold temperature. temperature. It likes swimming in icy water and it likes snow very much. It eats fish and seals. It is now in danger of becoming extinct because it is killed for fur and sport. Fur is used to make coats. But it is also in danger because of weather changes and warm temperature. Because of that the ice is melting and its habitat is slowly vanishing.


A polar bear is a mammal. It lives in Arctic Circle, Canada and Greenland. It lives in very cold region. It is very big, up to three metres long and very dangerous. It has got a big body, a big head and thick white fur, which keeps its body warm even in extremely cold temperature.

It likes swimming in icy water and it likes snow very much. It eats fish and seals. It is now in danger of becoming extinct because it is killed for fur and sport. Fur is used to make coats. But it is also in danger because of weather changes and warm temperature. Because of that the ice is melting and its habitat is slowly vanishing.

NILE CROCODILES A crocodile is a reptile. It lives in and near African rivers. It is a very large animal. It can grow up to 6 metres long. It is carnivore, it eats birds, fish and mammals, sometimes even people. So this animal is very dangerous. It is green and brown colour and it has got a very big mouth with sharp teeth. It has got a strong tail and it can kill with its tail too. It is now in danger of becoming extinct because it is killed for its skin to make shoes, handbags and belts. People also kill crocodiles because they are dangerous. Sometimes they kill them for food and for medicine. People also destroy their habitat so crocodiles don’t have enough space to live.


A crocodile is a reptile. It lives in and near African rivers. It is a very large animal. It can grow up to 6 metres long. It is carnivore, it eats birds, fish and mammals, sometimes even people. So this animal is very dangerous. It is green and brown colour and it has got a very big mouth with sharp teeth. It has got a strong tail and it can kill with its tail too.

It is now in danger of becoming extinct because it is killed for its skin to make shoes, handbags and belts. People also kill crocodiles because they are dangerous. Sometimes they kill them for food and for medicine. People also destroy their habitat so crocodiles don’t have enough space to live.

Siberian tiger


Iberian Imperial Eagle

Iberian Imperial Eagle

Sea Turtle

Tasmanian Wolf

Scarlet Macaw

Today, hundreds of animal species are in danger of becoming extinct. It is important to look after animals and save their habitat. We need to do everything to protect them and keep the earth clean. And everybody can help. There are many organisations that try to help animals. What can we to? You can help not to wear animals’ skin, not to buy ornaments or jewellery made out of animals and keep the world clean and green.

Today, hundreds of animal species are in danger of becoming extinct. It is important to look after animals and save their habitat. We need to do everything to protect them and keep the earth clean. And everybody can help. There are many organisations that try to help animals.

You can help not to wear animals’ skin, not to buy ornaments or jewellery made out of animals and keep the world clean and green.

We can also help by controlling the pollution. So that the animals living in the lakes, rivers, seas and oceans can be safe.

We can also help by controlling the

So that the animals living in the lakes, rivers, seas and oceans can be safe.

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Открытый урок по английскому языку по теме "Животные в опасности". С использование интерактивной доски и системы голосования.

Открытый урок по английскому языку

Речевая компетенция: развивать произносительные навыки монологической речи и чтения.

Социокультурная компетенция: познакомить с видами животных, которые на грани исчезновения во многих странах мира.

Компенсаторная компетенция: развивать языковую догадку и воображение, логическое мышление, память.

Учебно-познавательная компетенция: умение выделять основную информацию из прочитанного текста с полным охватом содержания с целью извлечения конкретной информации.

Познавательный аспект: познакомить учащихся с необходимыми мерами по защите животных.

Развивающий аспект: развивать психические функции, связанных с речевой деятельностью (внимание, способность к анализу и синтезу, логическое мышление, способность к выявлению языковых закономерностей, языковая догадка, зрительная и слуховая память, фонематический слух).

Учебный аспект: овладевать видами речевой деятельности: говорением, аудированием, чтением.

Воспитательный аспект: повышать интерес к изучению английского языка, воспитывать культуру языкового общения ,умение внимательно слушать собеседника, воспитывать у учащихся любовь и бережное отношение к животным и природе, воспитывать активную жизненную позицию гражданина.

Оборудование:система голосования Smart Response презентация, интерактивная доска,мультимедиа, рабочие листы, карточки для эмоциональной самооценки, учебник.

Оргмомент . Эмоциональное вхождение в урок.

T: Good afternoon children! Glad to see you!

As you see today we have an unusual lesson, there are a lot of guests. Greet them please.

Sit down children.

Let's have a talk and after that you will try to tell me what the topic of our lesson is

- Children tell me which of you has pets at home?

- What pet have you got?

-Do you teach him anything?

-Do You play with it?

- Do you go for a walk with your pet?

-Children do you take care of your pets?

- How do you take care of them?(we protect them, feed them, play and teach)

Children I think it is very important to protect and to take care of everything and everybody around us.

T: Children , now I want you to watch the slide-film, and say what we are going to speak about -at the lesson.( Учащиеся смотрят видеослайд)

T: Yes, you are right. We are going to speak about animals in danger.(Слайд 1 тема)

But what do we need to discuss the topic? Let’s speak about the aims of our lesson

1. to revise the words (учащиеся выдвигают задачи урока)

to use them in new situations

to read the text and get information from it

try to speak about animals in danger.

So by the end of the lesson you will be able to speak, to describe , to tell somebody about endangered animals, about something new that you will know during the lesson, using our active vocabulary

Now children, look at the screen and drag the words to the correct column.(Слайд 2)

now read all the words.

The next task is

На доске слова: Make the sentences complete using the words

planet, nature, activities, save, fresh, to protect, danger, depend

The life of people on Earth __depends________on animals and plants around them.

Why are a great number of animals in _danger________ nowadays?

Many people don't know how __to protect___________ wild animals

There is always __fresh_______air in the forest.

Some people’s ___activities_______do a lot of harm to forests.

The problem now is to protect life on the Earth and _to save_our __nature________and___planet__________.

Thank you children, I see that you remember the text

4) At our previous lesson we've read the text about endangered animals, now let’s work with the text and discuss some problems.

I want you to remember some facts from the text and try to answer my questions

1) Why are some animals and birds disappearing now.(modern life is bad for them, the air is not fresh, the water is not clean, they don't have good things to eat and space to live )

2) What does the life of the people on earth depend on? (people depend on their planet, on the sun, on animals and plants around them

3) Can you give an example of disappearing animals from the text? ( Many animals are in danger, Indian tigers and African elephants are disappearing nowadays.

4) why are these animals disappearing nowadays ? (people have hunted and killed many tigers in India and a lot of elephants in Africa as tigers can kill cows, sheep, other domestic animals,

Some people are afraid of tigers and kill them to save domestic animals, but some people have hunted tigers for fun and for their beautiful skin. they can easily sell and get a lot of money)

5) And what about African elephants?

(They are wonderful animals, they can help people to work, in the 19th century Africa was full of elephants but these days there are not many of them except in African parks)

6) Are only Indian tigers and African elephants in danger now? (Not only. but many less dangerous wild animals and birds are also disappearing nowadays from the Earth)

Why(because the air is not fresh, the water is not clean, they dont have good things to eat and space to live)

T. Now Look at the blackboard let's think of a title for the text

I shall give you three variants and you will decide what title is the best for it(Tomara read the titles)

- Animals in Danger

Yes, I agree with You, why do you think so

Because the text is not about - Dangerous Animals or Disappearing Birds IT is about Animals in Danger

Your home task for the next lesson will be to prepare the retelling of the text

But first of all let’s think of a plan for the retelling

1) Indian Tigers

2) African Elephants

3)Protection of the nature

5.Now we continue to speak about animals in danger. I want you to remember some facts and ditails from the text using responses and say if statements are true or false.

1.People have lived on our planet for many years. T

2.But they never depend on their planet, on the sun, on animals and plants around them.F

3.Only Indian tigers and African elephants are in danger. F

4.Tigers can kill only wild animals.

5. People know how to protect wild animals and plants/ F

6. People kill tigers only for fun.F

7. There are few Indian Tigers on the Earth now. T

8. Modern life is good for animals and birds.

9.Peoples activities do not do a lot of harm to the forests.

10. People must take special care of animals.

Ok children it was well done? I think it won't be difficult for you to prepare for the retelling

5. Now I see that you are tired/ Lets have a rest

Stand up children

Now children Look at me- I've brought something for you/ Can you guess what it is?

Yes, you are right (it is the Red Book)

What information can we find in the Red Book? (the information about animals, plants, birds that are in danger, that are disappearing nowadays

(Показывает детям красную книгу.)

Now I'd like you to make your own Red Book/- Now you will work in groups/ The first task is

5. .Применение знаний и умений в новой ситуации.( Работа в группах)


There is a paper with a lot of letters on your table. You should find the names of the animals from the Red Book – I'll give you some minutes. Now, let’s check what names of animals you have found.

Table № 1 , please your words…..Table № 2 ..

Very good (Answer: panda , rhino , tiger , koala, whale, wolf ,

elephant , parrot, tortoise, leopard, crocodile).

The second task is Lets play Игра на итерактивной доске

The third task is

I want you to use the plan and prepare short stories about animals. Let’s read this plan and discuss the points of it.

– OK, the time is out.

Познавательные УУД:презентовать подготовленную информацию в вербальном виде;

1. Работа в группах. Учащиеся работают с информацией (ищут и выделяют информацию поданному тексту).Каждой группе дается текст о разных животных (панда, снежный леопард, Амурский тигр, коала, полярный медведь).

Задание: Воспользуйтесь планом для подготовки коротких рассказов о животных. (слайд с планом)

Name (We’d like to tell you about…).

It looks like(a bear, a koala, a monkey).

Area of living (in the forests, fields, seas, rivers, lakes).

Size (big, small).

Food (grass, plants, fish, wild animals…).

Relations with men (people use them for: sport, food, clothes, work, entertainment).

Number(There are only….. left). Их осталось …

Not only Indian Tigers, African Elephants, Pandas are disappearing and have to be protected but in our region and in our country there are animals that should be protected. So your home task for the next technological lesson is to prepare presentation about such animals in our region.

And for tomorrow please prepare the retelling of the text.

So , children, you’ve done a great work today/ I’d like to know if you liked the lesson or not.

Did you get some new information? Was it interesting for you or not? Was it difficult for you to work at the lesson? Assess yourself

The lesson is over. Thank you for your work.

Panda lives in bamboo forests of central China.

Panda has a black and white coat, she large black patches around its eyes.

Panda is an endangered species. There are about 2000 pandas living in the wild.

Adult panda can weigh up to 150 kg.

Giant panda lives about 20 years in the wild.

Giant panda eats as much as 10 kg of bamboo a day.

Giant panda is a good climber.

The panda’s food is bamboo. Bamboo also serves as their shelter in the wild, as panda lives in the cold bamboo rain forests in China. People cut down bamboo trees because of farms, roads and industrial area. People must take special care of them, they must save pandas.

1) Name _________________________________________
2) Size _____________________________________________

3) Area of living ___________________________________

5) Number ____________________________________________

White Bears

Many animals and birds are disappearing nowadays. Many of them are in danger. White bears are among them.

White bears are very strong animals. They are one of the biggest wild animals in the world. They live in the North of our country on the banks of the Arctic Ocean. White bears eat fish and sea animals. They weigh 500 kilograms. Sometimes they catch and eat birds. There are about 23000 white bears left .

For many years people have hunted and killed many white bears. The result is very sad. There are few white bears in our country. “People must take special care of them, they must save white wears.

1) Name _________________________________________
2) Size _____________________________________________

3) Area of living ___________________________________

5) Number ____________________________________________

T: Now, children, let’s think together what we could do to help animals and birds. Give your ideas. ( Учащиеся формулируют свои предложения о мерах по защите животных)

10.Домашнее задание.

1.Prepare your own presentation about animals in danger

2. Retell the text “Animals in Danger”

11.Рефлексия деятельности.

Цель: Выявить впечатления обучающихся от урока, подведение итогов.

Регулятивные УУД: обсуждать решение учебной задачи, анализировать эмоциональные состояния, полученные от успешной (неуспешной) деятельности.

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